Arc 5 Chap 1 : The Sports Festival

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Today is the start of a New Semester in our First-Year of High school, The sky was Clear and Beautiful

It was 1st of September, the last Month of Summer. Fall is right around the corner

It has been 2 days since that night with Honami, It was my First Time experiencing it, And it was Amazing to say the least

Honami didn't leave her room yesterday, I sent her a message around noon which she responded to around 6 PM, She slept the entire day, She was exhausted so she remained in her room for the rest of it

I was walking towards the school alone, Reminiscing about The Previous events, Students were happily passing by, Excited for the second semester

However, Second Semester to me means more Classes, Which leads to me getting bored out of my mind since i learned and mastered everything the school has to offer

An idea came to my head, What if i pay Private Points to skip every Class ?

That would certainly give me more free time without damaging the class. However, Having a lot of free time would get you lazy

In fact, I know someone who is almost always free so he started to laze around and discover his talents. Currently, He is too hung up on his fanfiction since he is bored. I hope he finds Salvation

Back at the topic in hand, I doubt the Teachers would accept such a proposal anyway, It is too preposterous.

" Oh ? Good morning Ayanokouji-kun ! " A Sweet voice called out behind me. I turned around to find Kushida along with her Female friends

" Good Morning Kushida " I Greeted back using my monotone voice. She Sweetly smiled at me and walked closure

" Do you mind if we go to school together ? " Requested Kushida

" I don't mind. But do they ? " I said looking towards her female group friends who were somewhat reluctant

" Of course they don't~ Right guys ? " Kushida Turned to look at them, They all nodded slightly " See ? It's okay~ "

" I see " They caught up to me and we started walking towards school. I was gonna get Centered in the middle so i decided to go to the Far left side, Kushida followed me and stood right on my side

" So~ How was the pool the other day ? " She asked

" It was a very fun day " And night. I added in my head

" That is nice to hear~ " She Expressed " You were so cool when you played with the President, You ended up capturing a lot of girls's heart ! Way to go Ayanokouji-kun~ " She nudged me with her elbow with a wink. If i was any boy i would've been head over heels now.

" They should know that i am already taken no ? " I asked. She giggled

" You would still capture the hearts of women Regardless~ I mean you're very handsome and athletic, Your personality is getting better. Even if you have a girlfriend, Alot of bad~ girls~ would try and steal you~ " She said the last part with a seductive tone while grinning at me.

" I'm flattered Kushida. But their efforts would be in vain " I said, She looked disappointed. But quickly regained her cheery expression

We walked in silence, Kushida was deep in thought contemplating about something, I decided to ask something.

" By the way, Does Horikita hate me or something ? " It is obvious, But Kushida came to talk to me with an ulterior motive, I expected it to be about Horikita. Her surprise right now confirms it

" Oh ? Horikita-san ? " I nodded " I don't want to be giving you wrong ideas, But she appears to hold a grudge against you "

" It's probably when we discussed about the Alliance " I sighed

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