Ryueen Kakeru SS : Enigma

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' 13 1 20 8 20 5 19 20 : 17 21 5 19 20 9 15 14 19 14 21 13 2 5 18 1,5,7,8,9 '

" Huh ? " I woke up on the day of the finals, To be met with this creepy ass message from an anonymous user

Normally, I would just ignore this. However, I have a feeling that this is gonna be fun

Dunno, Call it my gut

I grabbed a paper and a pen and started deciphering this message, Minutes Later i came up with

" Math test : questions number 1,5,7,8,9 " I read it out loud. I stared at it for a while, Contemplating the meaning behind this " What the Fuck is this ? "

Did whoever send this wanted to fuck with me ?

It is a possibility. But you can't be so sure, It could be a bait.

But what's up with those questions ? This is too weird. However,

I have a feeling, Telling me that this is his doing. I cannot explain it, But I smell him. I don't know why

" Kuku Let's just wait and see "

I walked up to Class and Passed my exams normally, It's good that Bitch didn't betray me, The questions are exactly the same. Kuku

It is truly pitiful, That someone like her carries so much hatred. But hey, It works for me.

When that Goblin was about to distribute the math questions, I remembered that message. I eagerly waited for my paper and snatched it scanning the questions

One thing was different, Unlike the other tests. Questions number 1,5,7,8,9 were different

The questions weren't different, But the numbers were. It could still be solved if you use the correct formula

I instantly went and solved them with a wide grin, I could see some retards glancing at me. But who the fuck cares about them when there is something bigger in front of you ?

" Hey. You old hag sack of shit, Bring me a piece of paper " I ordered that Suckagami or whatever the fuck his name is. He glared at me with his pathetic brown eyes

" Watch your Language Ryueen. You're in the middle of an exa- "

" Shut the fuck up, You're so full of shit that your eyes are even brown. Do as i say you fucking goblin and pull a paper from your green fucking ass "

He pulled a paper and handed it to me, I snatched it away and started deciphering those questions. Suddenly, My hand stopped, I stared at the message. Soon, I felt my lips curl up. As i relaxed on my chair

" Kuku "

So it is him, Honestly, What is going on in his brain ? That fucking monster

He could've easily fucked me over. But he didn't. Could it be....

" Kukukukuku "

" Keep it low Ryueen "

Did he do it for fun ? It seems likely

He could've done everything without doing this. This message, Is completely useless

Does he want me to move accordingly ? Well that's what i would do, But..

It's him, I can't afford any mistakes.

Why am i hesitating this much ? He can get fucked for all i care

I'll play along, For now Ayanokouji

I stared at the message again and kuku'ed

' Do not get in my way against Class D '

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