Arc 8 Chap 4 : Sudden Invitation

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Kiyo POV


" That's it for today's lesson. I recommend you go through the materials again " With those parting words, Sakagami nonchalantly left the Room for our Lunch Break

Horikita beside me instantly dashed out of the room, Followed up by multiple students. The rest either sat quietly in their seats or grouped up with their friends

After those long sessions of doing nothing i started stretching on my seat, Unsealing my strength and recovering my consciousness. However, I sensed some danger and instinctively leaned towards my Right, Dodging the fast kick thrown at my face

" How the fuck did you dodge that ? " Ryueen exclaimed, In amusement. A Wide smirk plastered on his face " Well anyway. How many times did i repeat that same sentence ? "

" This makes it your 36th time " I responded, Ryueen's smirk widened before he threw another Kick. Considering my position, I could easily dodge it again but there is a chance i could hit Karuizawa behind me so instead, I blocked it. " Nice hit " I complimented, Impressed by his strength.

" Nice hit my ass " Ryueen mocked, Before he turned around and took his leave. " Seems like i need more time to land a fucking hit. Honestly Kukukuku "

Ryueen didn't put his all in that kick but it was certainly strong, Way stronger than what he used to throw at me in the beginning of the year. Seems that his regular visits to the Gym is already paying off

Needless to say, He won't be able to beat me no matter how much he trains. But it is good seeing him try regardless, So i wouldn't mind sparing with him from time to time.

" I'm sorry if i disturbed you or anything " I stood up from my seat and tidied my clothes, Before apologizing to the person behind me.

" N-No...! You didn't " A panicking voice came from behind, Karuizawa was looking at me with shining eyes and Red tainted Cheeks.

I simply nodded and moved toward Honami who was waiting for me in the entrance with Shibata and the others

" Yo " I raised my hand and greeted them. At my greeting, Shibata, Amikura and Shiranami started chuckling for some reason.

" Hello Kiyotaka~ " Honami Chimed in and greeted me with a bright smile. " Alright~ Shall we go then~? " All of us nodded before heading towards the cafeteria

We engaged in a casual chatter on our way there, Since this amphitheater doesn't have a cafeteria, We had to march all the way back to school. It took us 10 minutes to reach there

Honami and i went and secured a table for all of us, While the others went to order their meals. Honami pulled two bento boxes from bag and handed me one

" Thank you " I gracefully accepted and placed it on the table.

" You're welcome~! " She exclaimed happily. However, She started checking her surroundings, When she saw no eavesdroppers she faced me with a stern expression " By the way Kiyotaka, I meant to ask you "

" Hmm ? " I rose an eyebrow, Giving her my full attention. Honami saw this and commenced

" I thought about something~ It's related to this exam " Honami said. I nodded, Indicating for her to continue " I think that If things stay the same way, We would have a great chance for winning this exam and getting that top spot~ "

It is not an exaggeration to say that our Class has the greatest chances of winning this exam, Our friendly nature provides us an easier time adapting to those kind of situations compared to the others Classes.

Kiyotaka Of Class B ( Year 1 )Where stories live. Discover now