The idea of active waiting may sound like a contradiction in terms; however, it has much in common with the practice of active listening. In active listening, the listener is being particularly receptive, taking in everything the speaker is saying, how it is being said, body language, etc. Receptivity is often thought of as passive, but it isn't always. In baseball or in football, an outfielder or wide receiver receives the ball—but they don't just stand there waiting for it to come to them. They are watching the action, focusing on the ball, and preparing themselves to catch the ball. They are also poised with a plan for what they will do after they get the ball.
In the Two of Wands, there is a focus on gathering and releasing energy toward a vision. The Three of Wands is the time between the energy being released and the goal being realized. It is a time of strong belief in the desired outcome, watching for it, doing what is possible to ease its progress, and being ready to act once it arrives.
In the Universal Waite card, the figure is waiting for his ship to come in. The assumption is that it is certainly on its way, so he'd best be on the lookout for it.
Core meaning:
Active waiting.In the Legacy card, the goal is in sight, highlighting the importance of active waiting. Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone wrote of this particular card that "your faith will create the lights that will lead your vision home." This is highlighted by the glowing jewels at the top of the wands.
In the Shadowscapes card, we see the idea of active waiting taken a little further to active faith. We get the sense that as this figure takes a step out onto air, the bridge appears beneath her feet. She is not just actively waiting; she is acting as if what she wants is already there.
Mystery / ThrillerTarot has been a part of Barbara Moore's personal and professional lives for nearly twenty years. Right from the start, tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, history, mystery, and magic. She has studied under...