Three of Cups

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strongest allures of being in love: having our best selves reflected back at us in the eyes of another.

The Shadowscapes card presents the intimacy and wonder of the moment. These two also twine together; indeed, it seems as if soon they will be indistinguishable from one another. As is the case with many new lovers, they have eyes only for each other. The cup balancing on the edge of the tree being's root is the only slightly precarious piece in this puzzle. What is in that cup that is being so neglected, and will it matter if it tips over?

The Universal Waite card features abundance and simple pleasures, with its pumpkin and grapes

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The Universal Waite card features abundance and simple pleasures, with its pumpkin and grapes. It looks like a feast or a party. The three women with their uplifted cups represent the social aspect and mutual affection. Fun, frivolity, and overflowing happiness abound

Core meaning: A spontaneous, unexpected joy or pleasure.

The Legacy card hints at the social aspect with the various instruments, but the main focus is on the experience of the individual. The scarf across her eyes, as well as the water splashing around her, highlights the feeling of experiencing everything through the lens of joyful emotion. When filled with such delight, everything seems better.

The Shadowscapes card shows the figures surrounded by a bubble. The bubble creates a sacred space filled with their emotions. It protects them, at least for the moment, from outside influences. Within its realm, they are very much in the moment and happily relishing it. The bubble highlights the idea of spontaneity and temporariness.

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