Queen of Pentacles

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The Queen of Pentacles is someone who can get things done in an efficient manner with a beautiful or pleasing end result. In performing tasks, she is not as elaborate as the Queen of Cups, as elegant as the Queen of Swords, or as fast as the Queen of Wands, but all the details will be attended to and all resources will be used to their fullest potential. She can help the querent with any plans that require attention to detail or making the most of something. She has a knack for turning trash into treasure and making a bad situation as comfortable as possible. If she were to give one piece of advice, it would be this: don't worry, you can do this.

 If she were to give one piece of advice, it would be this: don't worry, you can do this

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The Universal Waite queen sits in a lush, comfortable, prosperous garden. The rabbit represents fertility. The earth and water symbolize fruitfulness. This queen is one of nourishment and abundance. 

Core meaning: One who develops and cares for others in the realm of the physical world, resources, or finances.

The Legacy queen knows the secret to efficient achievement: visualization. See what you want; have it on your mind; have it behind you, before you, and below you; and keep the image close to your heart, as shown by the pentacles in the image. See what you want clearly, and let every step you take bring you closer to it.

The Shadowscapes card shows a queen with a deep-rooted connection to the earth. She is stable, like a tree. And like a tree, she is also a conduit for energy. She takes the soil, water, and sunlight and transforms them into something of material magnificence. 

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