XIX. The Sun

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Unlike the Moon, this card is straightforward. Like a perfect sunny day, it is positive, happy, and joyful. What was in the darkness is now revealed. We can see clearly, and what we see pleases us. Unlike the Tower, which brings a clarity that changes everything, the Sun brings a clarity that says all is right with the world. The Sun is the quintessential feeling of being present in a particularly good moment: everything is exactly as it should be.

 The Sun is the quintessential feeling of being present in a particularly good moment: everything is exactly as it should be

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The Universal Waite card shows a child riding a white horse, symbolizing an innocent and childlike acceptance of joy. The sunflowers indicate optimism.

Core meaning: Clarity that brings joy.

The Legacy card shows less overt joy. The figure stands before his vision of the universe. He finally understands the purpose of all things in the universe and has them lined up properly. Order reigns, and with it comes confidence and stability.

The Shadowscapes card shows a joyous scene. The man is gazing upon something that we cannot see. His gesture indicates that he has witnessed the greatness of the universe. His feelings include reverence and humbleness as well as joy.

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