In the Two of Pentacles, we saw the flow of material energy as directed by ourselves within our own lives. In the Four of Pentacles, we saw the stopping of that flow. In the Six of Pentacles, we see a different kind of flow—from one person (or organization) to another. This happens through gifts, donations, scholarships, etc. This card is about giving and receiving. The balance between the two acts is so delicate that it is sometimes hard to tell which is which, and the cards often reflect this. This card doesn't say who is doing the giving or receiving; it indicates simply that material energy is being exchanged.
The Universal Waite card shows an apparently wealthy man holding a set of scales as he doles out his charity. This image has often rubbed modern tarot readers the wrong way. They don't like the idea that he gets to judge anyone's needs and assume that he is judging the other people's worth. Actually, the set of scales symbolizes the balance between giving and receiving—that it is not a one-sided relationship.
Core meaning: Flowing material energy.
The Legacy card includes a set of scales as well, and one hand giving to two hands. Showing the hands without faces takes the individual out of the picture and in some ways makes the idea less humiliating and more palatable. The focus in this image is on the flow of material energy, pure and simple, and not on any potential human emotions, reactions, or motivations.
The Shadowscapes card presents a more abstract image. The musician plays and thus causes coins to flow. The coins nourish the plant below. And in its turn, the plant inspires the musician. The focus in this card is the endless and connected cycle of the flow of material goods.
Misterio / SuspensoTarot has been a part of Barbara Moore's personal and professional lives for nearly twenty years. Right from the start, tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, history, mystery, and magic. She has studied under...