The Two of Wands indicates balance between energy and vision. To accomplish something, we need the necessary energy. This card says that it is time to gather or generate that energy. An abundance of energy without direction doesn't accomplish much, though. In order to direct that energy, we need a vision. It is time to identify intentions, to see the goal very clearly. In many ways, this is the card of creative visualization. The act of focusing on the desired outcome is also an act of manifestation.
The Universal Waite card highlights the importance of energy coupled with vision by showing it three times. The man is holding the world (his vision) and a wand (energy); he has these well in hand and in his control. There is also a wand nearby and he is gazing out to sea, indicating that he continues to gather energy and to refine and expand his vision. He steadies his wand atop a cube decorated with white lilies and red roses, symbols of purity of intention (vision) and passion (energy), respectively.
Core meaning:
Gathering energy while refining your vision.
In the Legacy card, the red- and purple-tipped wand on the left shows passion, and the bluish white wand on the right is purity. By combining these appropriately, we find the key to unlock the box and achieve our desires. But in this card, there are two boxes. The designer of this deck suggests another level of meaning, saying that the red wand also shows materialism and the white wand, spirituality. The ratio of materialism and spirituality, then, also determines the final nature of the outcome.
The Shadowscapes card brings another characteristic of the wands to this card. The lion shows that courage must be present to utilize the power generated by the twin aspects of energy and vision.
Misterio / SuspensoTarot has been a part of Barbara Moore's personal and professional lives for nearly twenty years. Right from the start, tarot intrigued her with its marvelous blending of mythology, psychology, art, history, mystery, and magic. She has studied under...