S2 ⊰|62|⊱ Everyone Deserves To Be Loved

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"Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone's hand is the beginning of a journey."

- Vera Nazarian


"What?" Avyaan screamed in disagreement.

"That's impossible...it was a taxi... we even met the taxi driver." Avyaan tried proving his point but Swara stood unconvinced.

"I know Avi Bhaiya but I am telling the truth. That car in the picture, it's Attorney Vansh Singhania's." She repeated this fact over and over again till it angered Avyaan.

He walked towards her with his jaws clenched. "So you are telling me... That my sister's body was found in Attorney Vansh Singhania's car...and why would I believe you? Considering the fact that YOU are here taking away my sister's position."

Swara knew it is going to be very tough to convince Avyaan about Avni's body being found in Vansh's car. But she was adamant in finding the truth and no other person than Avyaan could be of better help.

"Vansh was my fiancé." Swara gulped her pain and stated facts..."So if you think I am here trying to dirty your sister's character then let me inform you that my Fiancé was involved in this too. I don't know how they knew each other or how hey were related...but before coming to any conclusion I want to find out the truth...If you are ready to help me find out what really happened to your sister that night...let me know...otherwise I am determined to find the truth myself. " Swara's belief had Avyaan shook. As much as he despised Swara her words seemed convincing.

"Why isn't it bothering you?" Avyaan bluntly questioned.

Swara took a deep breath trying to calm  the side of her that mildly felt the pain of betrayal. She smiled before replying. "Because I trusted him." She gulped before continuing..."And as far as I've known Avni...I feel she could never betray Kunal."

Avyaan took a deep breath as if Swara had cleared the seed of doubt from his mind.

"Do you still trust him?" Avyaan's questions were painful but it was necessary to be replied to in order to gain his help.

"I want to but...I'm Human too and feeling betrayed would be normal...wouldn't it?" She smiled.

"This is about Avni, then...why not bring in Kunal?" This question of Avyaan was a test for her, like a check if she has any amount of feelings for Kunal within her.

Swara looked here and there as if gathering courage to answer this question..."Kunal trusts Avni, more than he trusts himself. He is not ready for the truth...It took me months to prepare myself to find the truth...And before giving Kunal any news, I want to know the truth first."

I want to go through any pain that he would feel from the revelation of this truth first...So that I'm strong enough to handle him.; Swara thought to herself.

And she successfully passed his test question. Avyaan was hurt and relieved at the same time....Hurt that maybe his sister had betrayed Kunal and relieved that Swara wasn't as villainous as he thought she was.

"Excuse me sir." Avyaan's assistant walked in..."The number plate that you asked to look into...." He looked at Swara..."Dr. Swara is right...it does belong to Attorney Vansh Singhania."

Swara held the table behind her for support. Her nightmares were crumbling her but she had o stay strong for the sake of truth.

"Let's do one thing... I am taking Kajal out on her baby moon next week, why don't you and Kunal join us?" Avyaan's proposal had surprised Swara. Avi Bhaiya of all people wanted Swara to accompany on a family trip?

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