S3 ⊰|87|⊱ Little Shaitan

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"How long?"

"Sir approx 2hrs."

"What the hell is wrong here...I'm stuck in this damn place for about 40 mins already and what the hell do I get to hear? 2hrs!"

Kunal lashed out at the mechanic. Turning around to face the man who was lying over the bonnet. "How are you so calm?"

Shaurya lowered his goggles to look at Kunal. "When one person is barking like dogs, the other needs to be calm to analyze the situation, isn't it?" 

"Oh yeah?" He crossed his arms over his chest."...And what Analysis has the great Shaurya Baba done?" He mocked.

Shaurya Jumped off the bonnet. "Follow me my lord!" 

"Where?" Kunal walked behind him..."Shaurya???"

Kunal and Shaurya began walking towards nowhere. There was greenery around them and the land seemed beautiful, it was a highway...hence, Cars and truck went by in full speed.

Honk! Honk!

"Oh man! That's a van!" Shaurya exclaimed.

"Behave yourself Shaurya!" Kunal stated .

Before he could stop, Shaurya had jumped in front of the van...that screeched and stopped right before crashing into Shaurya.

"Are you out of your mind young man?" The driver, looking like he was in his mid-forties got off the van after abruptly screeching and coming to a halt before it could crash into Shaurya.

"This is a school van, what if your pathetic attempt to end your life would risk one of the children? I would be behind the bars for any worse result that might have been bestowed upon us." He fumed in anger.

"We apologize sir! " Shaurya immediately bowed, apologizing. 

"We urgently need to reach the city, if you can give us a lift...that would be--"

"Pardon me! This is a children's Van and letting two strangers could harm the kids!"

"Trust us sir! I have a kid...and I can understand your concern but if you don't trust us then..." He placed his hands into the pocket, taking out his card.

The Driver, carefully looking at the card and examining the two men and asked them to hop  into the van.

As Kunal stepped into the van, his eyes scanned through the little kids seated in there. They all seamed different from one another and different from what we call as a normal kid.

Few of the kids had a weird, light colored eyes...whereas some kids wore crutches... Few of them wore hearing aids whereas one of them was hooked on to the wheel chair...The kids seated in the last looked normal by all means but by identifying the school, he knew they probably had some disability too.

Kunal quietly walked by the kids and sat in the empty seat in the last, beside a little girl who was asleep.

"We are returning  from a field trip, so we would be stopping for some food...you men will have to wait a little longer." The Driver explained.

"What the--" Kunal bit his tongue realizing he was in a school van.

"Shaurya! Let's get down..."

Even before Kunal could complete his sentence, the driver began the vehicle...leaving no choice to the men.

As Kunal mentally cussed his current situation...The little girl beside him suddenly dropped her drowsy little head over Kunal's shoulder.

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