S3 ⊰|83|⊱ will-o'-the-wisp

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"I might have failed before but I'm a warrior now. You might have blamed and punished me but I am stronger than you thought...Throw me a grenade and I'll shine brighter than the downfall you expected me to have."

- Swara


Swara sat in her mini balcony that she had decorated like a mini garden. For any ordinary person it was a balcony...but for Swara it was her Veranda of magic.

This little balcony of hers had given a new ray of hope to her when everything else seemed to end.

She was sitting on the little swing she created, to make the look of her garden a little extravaganza. 

She looked at the rice bulbs put across her balcony...that denoted the ray of hope. The plants that denoted living...and the view from her balcony, that gave her the confidence that she could reach any heights...Without the prefix - Doctor.

Swara flipped through the pages of a business magazine... hoping her company's name would pop up...But unfortunately, it wasn't even listed on the budding companies list.

She felt a little disheartened that her company's name hadn't popped up...but she knew 'will-o'-the-wisp' Designers...would reach great heights.

will-o'-the-wisp Designers aka WOW Designers.   

Life may have destroyed everything for her...but they couldn't destroy the little Swara she had birthed.

Swara sat in one corner of the room...panicking. She was breathless....and the flashes from her past would hit her like a grenade. She felt her body twitch and hurt in every voice that echoed inside her head.

She was slowly drowning in grief and guilt and loneliness.

It was all eating her up.

She had lost everything...Her Husband, Her family, Her son, Her pride, Her job, Her name....everything...there was nothing that could help her live...

Not even the birth of her own daughter.

She indeed loved her daughter but the grief had taken over her so bad...that she felt as if staying near her baby...would ruin the child's life.

Swara clutched on to the piece of glass she had shattered from the vase, trying hard to breathe. She had left her baby in Afsana's care...wanting some time to get things straight...

To raise a child you required income and from where was Swara to get that?

The part time job she did in a bar...was destructive enough for her, beginning another job was impossible. She had definitely run away to California but she was unaware of how life can get tough over there.

With every drop of blood her body left she saw one and only one person...Kunal!

Her eyes were swollen because of crying continuously...and she felt defeated than never before.

She had some funny thoughts going on inside her head...when Afsana, Jenifer and Junaid...ran into her apartment as if they sensed something was wrong with her.

"Swara!" Jenifer immediately hugged Swara....scared to death seeing her panic that way. Junaid immediately grabbed Swara's hand making her release the piece of glass she held.

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