Chapter:- 1

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Aira's POV:

I looked around and sighed when I couldn't find Habiba around. She was to pick me up. I took my phone out and sighed when I realized its dead. I took my bag and walked out of the gate. As I reached out I heard her voice.

"Appi." I turned my head to my right and smiled when I found her running towards me. 

"Eeeee. I missed you." She said hugging me tightly making me chuckle. I hugged her back caressing her head which was covered with a Hijab.

"Welcome to Canada, Appi." She said pulling away from me and I smiled.

"Thank you, Habib." I said patting her head and she looked at me.

"Don't call me that here. No one knows my this nickname here." She said walking ahead while I followed her dragging my bag with me.

"And there's another Habib in our colony so don't call me that." She said keeping the bag in a car and turned to me.

"Get inside." She said opening the other side of door for me and I got inside with frowns.

"Who is driving?" I asked and she smiled winking at me. Is she going to drive? She took the driving seat and smiled at me.

"Shall we speed up?" She asked smirking at me making my eyes widened. I shook my head at her but she is Habiba.

"Who is listening to you, Appi." She said driving the car with full speed and I held the handle with my hand.

"Here we can't speed up, right?" I said looking at her who took a harsh making me shock.

"Someone will save me." She said still driving with full speed and I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes when I heard her phone ringing.

"Oops. This is so soon." She said slowing down the car and I released the breath. Thank god. She picked the call up and looked at me with a crying face making me frown. Why is she acting like this? Why did she speed up then if she was so scared?

"Hello?" She said as soon as she picked the call up and the other person said.

"Why did I gave you the car, Habs?" I looked at her who chuckled.

"Sorry." She said smiling sheepishly and I shook my head.

"Drive slowly, girl. And don't worry about police. Allen will handle them." He said and she smiled widely while I shook my head. Crazy girl.

"Who was he?" I asked and she smiled.

"You'll meet him tomorrow." She said smiling at me and the turned to road.

"Why tomorrow? Why not now?" I asked and she chuckled.

"He doesn't come out of his house after 9:30. Its going to be 10:30 in some time. He'll directly come out tomorrow morning." She said smiling widely and I nodded my head.

"Is he your crush that you are smiling like this?" I asked and she turned to me then chuckled.

"No, Appi. He is like a brother to me." She said smiling and I nodded my head.

"But his friend indeed is my crush." She said chuckling and I chuckled.

"By the way, you said that there's another Habib in your colony, right?" She nodded her head and gestured something to the guard who opened the gate for her to enter.

"Does her family also call her Habib as her nickname?" I asked and she chuckled.

"No, Appi. He is boy and his name itself is Habib." She said stopping the car and turned to me with a big smile. 

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