Chapter:- 17

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Aira's POV:

"I mean that I'm in Mafia." My eyes widened hearing him next. Heh? Doesn't he know that Habiba already knows? I looked at Hannan with frowns who blinked his eyes at me.

"So, can I do that today if her mood is okay?" I turned to Bhai hearing him and nodded my head.

"Yes. Of course, Bhai. You can." I said and he smiled.

"And relax. She won't judge you. She is my sister." I said smiling at him and he nodded his head with a smile.

"I know. But still deep down I'm very nervous." He said shaking his head making us chuckle.

"But how will I talk to her?" He said sitting beside Hannan while I smiled.

"You go to the terrace. I'll send her in a moment." I said smiling at him and he turned to me.

"How? Don't tell her about me." He said shaking his head and I chuckled nodding my head.

"I won't. I'll just send her making an excuse." I said smiling at him and he huffed making me smile. After some time he walked upstairs while I looked at him.

"You didn't tell him?" I asked him and he sighed.

"He is Habib whom I know from a long time, beautiful. If he would gets to know that Habs already knows about this, he wouldn't have met Habs after that day. He would have avoided her thinking she doesn't trust him." He said shaking his head and I sighed.

"And from the very start, he wanted to tell her about this by himself. He always told me that he doesn't want her to know by someone else. So, I didn't tell him. Let him say it out by his own mouth. Now its their time of exam, beautiful." He said smiling at me and I kept looking at him then nodded my head.

"I hope everything goes okay between them." I said closing my eyes and heard him.

"Insha Allah everything will go smooth." I nodded my head whispering Insha Allah under my breath. I looked at Habs who was talking to Rachael, Dany and Ashley. I took out my phone and texted her.

"I want to talk to you about something. Meet me at terrace. You leave first then I'll follow you." She looked at her phone and then looked at me. I gestured her with my eyes to open it and she nodded her head. She opened it and after reading she looked at me while I nodded my head at her. She said to the girls something while getting up and then walked towards the stairs.

"What did you say to her?" I heard him asking and smiled turning to him.

"That I need to talk to her about something." I said and he chuckled shaking his head. Oh Allah! Please let it go smooth between them. Please.

Third Person's POV:

She walked upstairs and opened the door of the terrace. She walked inside and looked around when her eyes fell on him. The person who can make her heart pound crazily.

"Hii." He said when found her standing at the door while she kept looking at him.

"Come." He said smiling at her and she walked towards him.

"I came to meet Appi. She is coming in some time." She said standing beside him and he chuckled.

"Well, I asked her to send you here." He said smiling at her and she frowned.

"Means she is not coming?" She said and he chuckled shaking his head.

"Yeah. I wanted to talk about something." He said looking at her and she kept looking at him then nodded her head. 

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