Chapter:- 24

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Aira's POV:

I looked at him with a smile who was sitting in front of Aunt with his mouth wide open while she was feeding him. I haven't seen this child side of him before. Well, he hasn't got this parental love from anyone there in Canada. And he has kids to look after so if he himself act like a kid then who will look after the kids.

"Do you want me to feed you too, baccha?" I looked at Aunt hearing her and shook my head smiling at her. 

"No. It's alright. Watching him is enough for me." I said looking at him with a smile who looked down chuckling but my eyes widened when I realized what I just said. Oh shoot! I looked at Aunty who fed him while pressing her lips. Oh Allah! I'm such a stupid. After dinner Uncle, Aunty, and he went into their room while I went to mine to pray Isha. After praying Isha I went to their room and my lips smiled when I found him sleeping between Uncle and Aunt peacefully. This is so beautiful. Masha Allah. I took out my phone and clicked picture of them. Aunt smiled at me making me back away with shock. I didn't know she is awake.

"Lets go in other room, dear. Let son and father sleep here." She said getting up slowly and covered them with the quilt properly.

"Don't switch off the lights, Aunty." I said as I found her walking towards the switch board. She turned to me with frowns after hearing me and I smiled lightly.

"He is scared of darkness." I said as we walked out of the room after closing the door.

"What has life made him! He used to be the jolly kid even when he used to work." She said sighing deeply while I did the same. We entered in the room which she gave us to stay.

"I haven't met that Hannan after his mother passed away." She said sitting on the bed while I did the same after switching off the lights and she switched on the side lamp. 

"You won't mind Hannan being Mafia, right?" I turned to her hearing her to find her looking at me.

"If that would be the case then I wouldn't have married him, Aunt." I said smiling at her and she nodded her head.

"True though." She said smiling at me and I smiled. 

"I know his work is very risky, and dangerous, but I am okay with it. I love and accept him the way he is." She smiled nodding her head.

"Are you guys coming with us?" I asked her as we layed down on bed and she chuckled turning to me.

"Do you think your husband will leave if we say no?" She said with a smile and I chuckled.

"No. He'll extend his stay here but will go along with you guys." I said smiling at her and she chuckled.

"I know, right? Stubborn." I chuckled hearing her. She might have been with her just for few months but she knows him so well.

"Can I ask you something, Aunt?" I asked turning to her and she nodded her head.

"Uhh... Why didn't you and Uncle never had baby? Was there any problem?" She smiled lightly looking at me then sighed.

"Its not like that, dear. I had a miscarriage and after that I couldn't conceive ever." She said smiling at me and I could see the sadness and pain in her eyes.

"We both were shocked when Hannan, that small kid, came to work at our shop. I didn't want to keep him, but he refused saying he has to take care of his Mother and sister or brother. And at that time I got to know, even that small kids can talk and become all responsible. Its just depends what life gives you." She said sighing while looking at the ceiling and I nodded my head. True. Your maturity depends on the condition and situation of your life. If you are left alone to handle your whole family then you can become responsible and mature even at the age of 10 or 12.

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