Chapter:- 19

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Hannan's POV: 

"How many are you guys in one gang?" We all looked at Laiba hearing her and I smiled when I found her looking at Fred with frowns.

"Well, we all are here. Just Rachael is missing." Dany said smiling at her and she nodded her head.

"Oh. You only have one girl in your gang?" She asked and he nodded his head while I went to sit beside her who was listening to us.

"Yes. Only one girl." She nodded her head hearing Habib.

"Should I join you guys?" I looked at her with wide eyes hearing her. What?

"Huh?" All were looking at her with wide eyes.

"What? If Rachael Di can join then why not me?" She asked looking at them and then she turned to me.

"May be I'm not qualified enough to join your gang, but I'll be able to join your next generation." She said smiling at me while I was just looking at her.

"For now leave these things aside and enjoy your life, girl. Its too early to think about these things." I said smiling at her and she smiled.

"If you are worried that its dangerous to involve me then remember your days, Bhai. Even someone was scared and worried when you decided to join this gang." She said smiling at me and I was just looking at her. She is too young to talk like this though. 

"Train me. Give me every training which I should do to join Mafia." She said smiling at all of us and I was just looking at her.

"Its not an easy path, little one." Habib said smiling at her and she chuckled.

"Neither my life is easy, Bhai." She said smiling at him and he nodded his head looking down.

"Right." I sighed. Now I got to know how Uncle felt when we told him about our decision to follow his path.


I walked upstairs and my lips formed into a smile when I found her sitting on the wall while her back was facing me. We were supposed to talk yesterday night but we couldn't. I went to her terrace and sat beside her while hanging my legs to the other side of the wall.

"You should rest tonight. We could have talked tomorrow." She said turning to me while I smiled.

"We were supposed to talk yesterday, beautiful." I said smiling at her and she sighed.

"You worked a lot for today's function." She said sighing making me smile. Well, it was Rachael's baby shower tonight. 

"I'm fine, beautiful." I said pinching her nose and she rolled her eyes.

"As if you'll show me even when you are not." She said making me chuckle.

"But I have started doing that from the time my beautiful told me that its okay to be weak some times." I said smiling at her who looked at me hearing me.  

"You do that?" She asked and I smiled.

"Hm." Her lips formed into a smile hearing me.

"What did you want to talk about?" I heard her after some time and sighed.

"I know I have already asked you for something before regarding our marriage but can I ask for one more thing?" I looked at her who frowned hearing me.

"Of course you can." I smiled lightly hearing her.

"Can we keep our reception later on?" I asked looking at her and she frowned.

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