Chapter:- 22

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Aira's POV: 

I stirred in my sleep when I heard Alarm blasting near my ear. I opened my eyes when it didn't stop and turned it off but my brows frowned when I found its just 3:30. Heh? Does he wake up at this time? I turned to wake him up but stopped when I found our face almost touching. I kept my head back on my pillow and kept looking at him with a smile. I'm seeing him from this close for the first time. He is beautiful. Yes. Beautiful.

"Stop gazing me and wake me up, beautiful. Or else we'll be late for our Tahajjud." My brows frowned hearing him and he opened his eyes slowly.

"You are awake?" He smiled nodding his head while I rolled my eyes.

"Then get up. I thought you were sleeping." I said while he kept his hand on my cheek making me smile.

"Don't worry. After Tahajjud I'll sleep then you can gaze me." He said smiling at me while I rolled my eyes.

"Stop it." I said and he chuckled. We got up and prayed Tahajjud. It felt amazing when I bowed my head in front of HIM along with my companion for Tahajjud Namaz. Alhamdulillah for this beautiful moment. After Tahajjud we went to bed and I turned to him who covered himself with the quilt and covered me too making me smile.

"When will we be leaving for India?" I asked looking at him and he smiled.

"Day after tomorrow, beautiful." He said turning to me fully and I nodded my head.

"How long are we staying?" I asked him again and he smiled again. Ya Allah, please protect this smile.

"I don't want to be there more than two days so we will be back in two days. Insha Allah." He said smiling at me and I nodded my head with a smile.

"Do you want to meet your Chachi and Chacha, beautiful?" He asked after some time and I looked at him.

"Should I?" He smiled.

"If you feel like." He said patting my cheek making me smile.

"Will decide there." I said and he smiled nodding his head. We were silent on our place when I felt him moving closer to me and kept his head on my shoulder while his nose was touching my neck making me feel sensations. Damn.

"May I know what are you doing, Mr.Mafia?" I said looking at him from the corner of my eyes and he looked at me.

"Trying to be romantic, beautiful." He said smiling at me and I rolled my eyes then chuckled.

"And on which number does this part of romance comes in your list?" I asked looking at him and he smiled. 

"In the middle." He said smiling widely while I chuckled.

"Getting closer like this." My breath hitched when I felt his lips on my neck.

"Then hugging you like this." I closed my eyes hearing him but frowned when I didn't felt his hugging me.

"Can I?" I opened my eyes hearing him to find him looking at me with raised brows making me smile. I moved closer and wrapped my arms around his back hugging him.

"Got your answer?" I said keeping my chin on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"I got more than an answer, beautiful." I chuckled hearing him and felt him wrapping his arms around me while lying down.

"What's more?" I asked pulling away my head and looked at him who smiled.

"Should I show you, beautiful?" He said looking at me and I smiled.

"Go ahead." I said and before I could say anything I felt his lips on my cheek making me shock.

"Kissing you like this." I heard him and felt his lips on my other cheek making my heart beat crazily.

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