Chapter:- 30

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Aira's POV: 

I shook my head lightly trying to get rid of the pain which was unbearable.

"Aira?" I heard someone calling me and heard some machine beeping.

"Aira?" I again heard the same voice.

"Can you hear me?" I think its a girl.

"If you can just nod your head lightly please." I heard her again and nodded my head lightly.

"Okay. I got you." I felt something on my chest and someone holding my hand as if checking my nerves. After some time I started feeling my eyes heavy. What? Suddenly?

I opened my eyes slowly and frowned when I found the room dark. What's happening? I tried to get up but wasn't able to which made me more confused. What the hell is happening? Why am I here lying down? I closed my eyes and tried to remember something. My eyes wide opened when I remember what happened last. We were kidnapped by Shafeeq and Hannan and I was hit by something when we were trying to escape from there. And Allen took Ahad to hospital because he was injured. Where are they? Ahad? Hannan? I tried to get up but my whole body was aching to badly. I held my head with my hand which was blasting. I took my hand to my side to find something but my eyes widened when I heard something falling down and breaking into pieces. I heard noise of door opening after some time and the room was lit up finally making me close my eyes.

"Aira." I opened my eyes hearing Ashley and found Rachael and her standing in front of me with worried eyes.

"You okay?" She asked touching my face and I nodded my head.

" and Han-" She cut me off in between.

"They are fine. Relax. They are perfectly fine." Rachael said patting my hand and I shook my head.

"I wa..want to meet the..em." I whispered and they sighed.

"Let me check you first then I'll call them. Okay." Ashley said looking at me and I sighed. I know she won't listen to me. After checking me she changed the IV and made me drink water.

"Let me bring something for you to eat." She said smiling at me and I shook my head.

"I want to meet Ahad and Hannan, Ash. Please." I said looking at her and she nodded her head.

"Okay." She walked out of the room leaving me with Rachael who smiled at me.

"Where's Azrin? Khala and Habiba? And kids? Boys? Everyone?" I asked looking at her and she smiled patting my head.

"Relax, girl. Its 2 of the night. They are sleeping. You'll meet them tomorrow." She said smiling at me and I sighed. After some time the door of my room opened and I found Ahad with a big smile on his face while his eyes were showering.

"Ammi." He whispered while running towards me and hugged me making me wrap my arms around with a big smile while tears formed into my eyes.

"We missed you, Ammi. Azrin doesn't sleep peacefully from the day Abbu and you left us." I heard him whispering on my shoulder and patted his back. But wait? Left them? Hannan and I? What? Days? I pulled him away and he looked at me then shook his head while wiping my tears.

"Why did you take so much time, Ammi?" He asked looking at me while his lips quivered. I looked at Ashley who was already looking at me.

"How much time has it been?" I asked her with teary eyes and she looked down.

"2 and half years." My eyes widened hearing her. What? I looked at Ahad with teary eyes who was looking at me with wet face. I touched his face with my hands who held my hand and placed a kiss on my palm. What? I have missed my boy and girl growing up? I missed the two years of their lives?

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