Chapter:- 29

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Hannan's POV:

I looked at the dead bodies around me and sighed.

"Are kids safe, guys?" I asked through my earpiece and heard Harry.

"Perfectly alright, sir. They are escorted to the safe place." I smiled widely and walked out of there.

"Now you come out safely." I smiled hearing Habib and shook my head.

"I'm almost there, bro." I said walking upstairs and found the car at the entrance. Well, I was in a basement. I sat down in the car and smiled at them who took a deep breath making me chuckle.

"It wasn't first time, guys." I said rolling my eyes and they sighed.

"But this was more risky, sir." Fahad said looking at me and I smiled.

"And even Fahad, Dany, and Habib weren't with you." Allen said making me chuckle. Well, in our last mission, Fahad, Dany, and Habib got injured so I didn't take them as they have to be healed first. I was all alone up there. Before anyone could say anything my phone rang. I frowned when I found it was Ashley.


"Come home fast. Ara is in labour." She said making my heartbeat increase.

"Is she okay?" I asked looking at Harry who nodded his head while speeding up.

"She is perfectly fine. Don't worry. Just reach here on time." She said and I closed my eyes when I heard her voice. It wasn't her normal voice. She was groaning in pain. Oh Allah make it easy for her please.

"We are reaching. We'll be there soon." I said sighing deeply and hung up.

"Relax, bro. Everything will be fine." I heard Fred and nodded my head. Hope so. Finally we reached the hospital after some time and we walked inside. As we reached the floor I found girls standing outside the labour room.

"Why all of you are here?" Dany asked looking at them and they sighed.

"We wanted to come." Juliette said looking at him and we all sighed.

"And its not a problem. This is private area." Amna said and I nodded my head. Its Ed's hospital so he has made the top floor private which we use whenever we need. And that's why these girls didn't think twice before coming here.

"Still it's a hospital, girls." Fahad said looking at them and they all rolled their eyes. After some time Ash came out and I walked towards her. 

"How's she?" I asked and she pulled me inside without saying anything.

"You should be with your wife in this situation." She said glaring at me and I looked at her whose eyes were a bit closed but she smiled seeing me.

"Wear this." I looked at Ash to find her giving me blue dress and sighed. I wore it and put on my mask while looking at her who was trying her best not to close her eyes.

"She is worried about you, stupid." I heard Ash and walked towards her. I held her hands in mine and wiped the sweat from her face.

"I'm fine, beautiful. Don't worry about me." I whispered looking at her who nodded her head lightly.

"You have to be strong, right beautiful?" I said wiping the tear which fell from her eyes and she again nodded her head.

"I have.. to... Its our... baby... Mr.Mafia." She said while breathing heavily and I looked at Ash who blinked her eyes at me nodding my head.

"Its okay. She is in pain that's why she is breathing heavily." She said looking at me and I frowned.

"Then why hasn't it happen yet? Why is it just paining?" I asked looking at her whose hold tightened on my hand.

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