Chapter:- 5

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Hannan's POV:

I looked at him with wide eyes. How does he know?

"How do you know?" Habib asked and he smiled.

"I got to know that a year ago." He said looking at me and smiled.

"When you guys were talking randomly and I came to ask you guys something but stopped hearing my name. That time I got to know the truth." He said smiling at us and I sighed looking down.

"But I was waiting for you guys to tell me the truth. Weren't you guys planning to tell me the truth?" He asked raising my chin with his finger and I turned to Habib to find him looking at me already.

"May be not." I said looking at him and he chuckled.

"Why? Did you guys think I'll hurt myself after hearing the truth? Thinking that I was unwanted for my parents?" He said looking at me and then turned to Habib who sighed.

"I won't do such sort of things. I haven't been brought up by my parents but by you guys. You both are my parents. I have seen you guys as my parents. I don't know who my real father and mother is. So, don't worry. I'm not giving up on my life so easily." He said smiling widely at us and it brought big smile on my face.

"I will open my own music studio where we all will produce music, write songs, and make best songs in the world." He said smiling widely and we chuckled. Insha Allah.

"And for now you guys want me to meet my father right?" He asked looking at us and I nodded my head.

"I will do that. I want him to know how he should have taken care of me. I'll show him respect but for you guys. Because you guys have never ever taught me to be disrespectful to an elder. But I don't have a bit respect for my parents. Not even this much." He said showing with his fingers and shaking his head while I sighed. What should I say?

"When are we going to meet him?" He asked looking at me and I smiled.

"Whenever you are ready." I said and he smiled.

"Day after tomorrow. You are going to sing tomorrow. I'm not ruining my day." He said smiling widely and we chuckled.

"Okay. If you say so." Habib said ruffling his hair and he smiled.

"Well, you have a sister too." I said looking at Aaron and his head turned to me.

"A sister?" I nodded my head looking at him and frowned when he chuckled.

"Are they throwing her away too?" I sighed hearing him.

"No. But she'll be left alone after your father leave this world." Habib said looking at him and he frowned.

"Your Mom died six years ago while giving birth to her." I said and he sighed nodding his head.

"No worries. Her brother will still be there for her." He said making us smile.

"Not a brother but brothers, boy." We chuckled hearing Habib and hugged each other. Then I took him to his room and smiled when I found Aahil and Abraham waiting for him. After helping him in his bed I left the room and walked towards terrace. I stopped in middle when I heard Habib.

"Going to meet your beautiful?" I smiled and turned to him.

"Yep. Wanna meet your princess?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"No. You go." He said and I shook my head chuckling. I was about to go when I heard him again.

"Are you accepting that she is beautiful?" I turned towards him with a smile.

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