Chapter:- 15

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Aira's POV:

"My fate was not happy with me seeing me working happily and living my life with my Ammi smiling so it took her away from me." My eyes were fixed on him who closed his eyes while tears fell down on his cheeks. I wanted to wipe them away but I want him to let those memories out along with his tears.

"She was pregnant and was going to give birth. She was crying in pain and I was literally wandering around to find someone who can help me but at that time, the place was an empty desert. Left with no choice, I went where I used to work to call the person who was my boss. He was a good man so he came along with his wife. But it was too late... As we... reached, she... was... already... go-one." He sobbed hiding his face in his hands while I was just looking at him and tears were falling down on my cheeks. He lost two most important persons of his life in a day. And that too without any goodbye. I looked at him when I heard him.

"But that was not enough for my fate. It wanted to me to suffer more. After she passed away, my boss took me to his house and started taking care of me. They didn't had any children so they took care of me very much. I lived there for a month or something I don't know when some people tried to kidnap me." My eyes widened hearing him. Kidnap? That small kid? Why?

"Uncle tried to save me but in that process they hurt him and took me away. I don't remember what actually happened after that but when I opened my eyes I was in a dark room lying down on a cold floor. I was shaking with cold but there was no one to wrap a quilt on me. It was morning, when I found another boy lying down on the other end. We were waiting for someone to come and take us away from there but it didn't happen." He shook his head smiling sadly at me with that wet and pale face while I was just digesting all those things. Allah, please never let me see this face of him ever. His smile is more beautiful.

"You know what, people did came, but not to take us out but to fulfill their own pleasures." He said closing his eyes and tears fell down on his cheeks while my brows frowned hearing him at the end.

"People who came inside sexually assaulted us." My eyes widened hearing him next. What the hell?

"And the fun fact was that all those men were of my Dad's age." I was stunned hearing him. This is shocking. I mean I have heard that men does get raped too, but they were small kids. Oh Allah!

"We were closed in that dark place for a whole week without any food or a piece of bread. After a week, someone came like an angel. He saved us and after that I stopped hoping for happiness. I thought its not part of my life anymore." He said looking at me. Who wouldn't? 

"But the irony of life, it gave me happiness after that. The man who saved us became our mentor, guardian. Everything, in short. We have lived our life with a person who taught us how to use different types of guns, how to face a dangerous situation, how to trick a suspicious person, etc. He didn't teach us what school teaches us. We learnt all these things without questioning him." He said smiling at me. Oh Allah. Finally. He smiled.

"And then when we were around 18 or 19, he told us what he actually is. Even before he could complete his sentence, I said I'm ready to follow his steps. He was against it first but then agreed." He said nodding his head while I was staring at him.

"I had seen so much in my life that I didn't want any other kid to go through the same. And from that time, I try my best to save each one of them. I know how it triggers you, how it hurts you, how long it haunts you. Its very very painful. You have sleepless nights." He said shaking his head while looking at the sky and I was just looking at him.

"What do you think? Have you been doing great? In saving them?" His head turned to me hearing me and his lips formed into a smile.

"I did try my best but the kids who are living with me, I couldn't save them. Some of them still became the victim of those f***ing c**ts." He said gritting his teeth while I was looking at him with wide eyes. No. I was shocked on his words. Damn.

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