Chapter:- 14

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Hannan's POV:

"She got to know about you being in Mafia." My eyes widened hearing her. What? It was not supposed to happen like this. At least I wanted Habib to tell her by himself. Oh Allah.

"How?" I asked looking at her and she smiled.

"Ask your beautiful." She said smiling at me and I sighed.

"Well, you go and rest for now. Don't run your mind here." She said caressing my head and I sighed.

"No. I have to talk to her first. I know you won't be able to rest unless and until she talks to you." I said looking at her and she smiled.

"I have beared this once a long time ago, dear. You go and rest." She said smiling at me and I sighed.

"I'll send Aira." I said getting up from my seat and she shook her head.

"That girl needs her." She said and I nodded my head. 

"Okay. I'll send Rachael." I said and before she could say anything I cut her off.

"And you are not objecting." She rolled her eyes making me smile.

"Now you go inside first then I'll leave." I said and she sighed shaking her head making me chuckle. After she closed the door I walked towards my home. As I walked inside I found kids sitting with Dany, Ed, Harry, and Allen. Why are they up until now?

"You guys are still up?" I said walking inside and their head turned to me. I smiled when I found kids coming towards me.

"Go to your respective rooms and rest, guys. Its very late." I said caressing their head with a smile and they nodded their head. My head turned to her when kids left and she was about to say something when I said.

"Go and be with her. She needs you beside her right now." She kept looking at me and I sighed inwardly. I know she have a lot of questions to ask after what happened today at Ed's house.

"Good night, guys." I said and left for my room. I know boys will ask me why did I go there when I knew I wouldn't be able to hurt him. I looked down at her who was looking at boys. I took out my phone as I entered in my room and texted her.

"Don't worry, beautiful. I'm fine. We'll talk about everything tomorrow. We need to talk." I went to freshen up. After taking a relaxing hot shower I came out and laid down on bed while my mind went back to that small girl. I hope she is fine. But she is not though. She has seen a lot in such a small age. Oh yes. I have to send Rachael to Aunt's house. I walked out of my room to talk to Rachael. 

Third Person's POV:

He walked upstairs and looked around to find her. His eyes stopped at her who was standing at the corner. He walked towards her and sighed when he found her leaving.

Her head turned hearing footsteps and she was about to leave when she heard him.

"If a single fake relationship can break out friendship then I'm not doing this drama." She turned when she felt him turning her holding her by her shoulders.

"If you are going to ignore me just because you called me your boyfriend in front of your ex then I'm revealing the truth to him, Rachael." He said looking at her while she was looking down. 

"What is happening, Rachael?" He asked making her look up and frowned when he found tears in her eyes.

"Everything okay?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"I'm not ignoring you because I called you my boyfriend. No. If you ever become my boyfriend I'll proudly tell the whole world that you are my boyfriend, Dany." She said looking at him while his eyes widened hearing him. He wasn't expecting that coming though.

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