Chapter:- 3

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Aira's POV: 

I was shocked when I found a young girl sitting on wheelchair. I mean I haven't encountered any girls like this before and that's why I'm shocked. My head turned to him hearing him.

"Hello, beautiful." I found a boy sitting on another wheelchair and he was standing behind it.

"Beautiful?" The boy said looking at him and he sighed still looking at me.

"Beautiful?" I heard another voice to find a girl standing beside the girl on the wheelchair.

"Hey, beautiful." I heard some girls' voices together and turned to my right to find more girls standing. Is this a girl hostel or what?

"Girls." He said looking at them and they smiled at him. Who is he to them?

"You can keep the bag there, beautiful." He said winking at me and I rolled my eyes. Flirt.

"I hope you enjoy it." I said keeping the bag on the table and looked at him who smiled at me.

"We will enjoy it for sure. As its made by the beautiful hands of a beautiful girl." He said smiling at me and I shook my head.

"Thank you for ordering." I said and turned to go when I heard him again.

"I would love to have these daily by your hands, beautiful." I sighed rolling my eyes.

"And thank you for delivering them, beautiful." My head turned hearing the girls only to find them smiling widely at me. I narrowed my brows at them and they chuckled. Like father like daughters. Well, I don't even know if he really their father. I reached the door but stopped when I found Habiba taking some thing from one of the shelf and walking out while shouting.

"I'm taking the key, Bhai." She left while I was just looking at the place where she left. She took it without even asking him.

"Don't speed up, girl." I turned hearing him to find him going out. I followed him and found him walking towards her who stopped near a car.

"Don't speed up, Habs." He said to her and she pouted.

"Then there's no fun, Bhai." She said and he shook his head. I stood beside him and they both looked at me.

"So, you both finally met." She said smiling at me while sitting inside the car and I rolled my eyes.

"I told you, you'll be able to meet him in the morning only." She said smiling at me and I frowned. So, it was him whom she was talking about last night. But I know he was at terrace last night.

"Okay. I'll be going now. Allah Hafiz both of you. Enjoy your day." She said waving at us and drove away while I turned to him.

"Turn around." I said turning to him who was already looking at me with a smile. Does he smile all the time?


"Yep." I said nodding my head.

"As you say, beautiful." He said smiling at me and I rolled my eyes while he turned to the other side. I kept looking at his back for some time and nodded my head.

"So, it was you last night at the terrace?" I said and he turned to me with narrowed brows then smiled.

"Not bad, beautiful. You even recognize me from my back. Impressive." He said smiling at me and I rolled my eyes.

"By the way, why were you gazing me?" He asked raising his brows at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Go. Your kids might need you. I'll be going." I said and walked out of there. I turned when I reached the gate to find him patting the back of his head with a smile on his face. I chuckled and walked out of there. His eyes is something which is attracting me. Just like him. Who disappeared from this world I think. I went inside the cafe and smiled at Khala who was serving customers.

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