Chapter:- 6

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Aira's POV:

"Because I'm creating deep feelings for you, beautiful." My eyes widened hearing him. I was not ready for that though. My heart which was beating crazily started pounding more hard. I shook my head to come back from his gaze.

"Your order?" I asked turning my back to him and heard him chuckling.

"The usual black tea." I heard him and turned to find him going out of the cafe. What? Do I have to deliver his order again? Damn. This guys makes me do a lot of things. Stupid.


I walked inside my room and laid down on bed while closing my eyes. I was resting when my phone pinged. I picked it up and smiled when I saw a voice note from him. I played it and smiled hearing him.

"Where are you, beautiful? I'm waiting for you from last half an hour. You are late today." I shook my head with a smile and got up to freshen up first. After freshening up I opened the window of the balcony and went out only to find him sitting on the wall of my balcony.

"Welcome, beautiful." He said rolling his eyes and I chuckled. Well, its been more than a month I have been here and we have come closer to each other. In short, we are friends. I took my seat in front of him who was sitting with his legs hanging on each sides of wall.

"Thank you so much for showing up, beautiful." He said and I rolled my eyes. In these months I got to know that this person can be hell sarcastic.

"Stop with your sarcasm and tell me for what you have called me." I said looking at him and he smiled.

"I love being sarcastic with you, beautiful." He said smiling at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Tell me for what you have called me." I said looking at him and he smiled.

"Not anything specific. I was just missing you and called you, beautiful." He said smiling at me and I rolled my eyes shaking my head. But as always I love when he says honestly that he was missing me. This is not the first time. He has done this a lot of time.

"And what do you want me to do today?" I asked looking at him and he smiled.

"Nothing. Just keep sitting here. That's more than enough." He said smiling looking at me and I smiled nodding my head. We were silent on our place when I heard him.

"I wanted a favour from you." I looked at him hearing him and nodded my head.

"Am I suitable for that? If yes then I'm more than okay to do that." I said smiling at him and he smiled.

"Of course you can do that." He said smiling at me and I nodded my head.

"And what is it?" I asked and he smiled.

"I want you to look after the kids for two days. From tomorrow for two days." He said looking at me and I frowned.


"Habib and I have some work so we will be out for two days, so I want you to look after the kids. We'll be leaving tomorrow at night. So, you have look after them." He said looking at me and I was just looking at him.

"What kind of work you have out of this city? You work as different teacher in different fields." I said looking at him with frowns and he sighed looking at the other side.

"Will tell you once I'm back. Not today." He said smiling at me and I nodded my head.

"Okay. As you say." I said and he smiled.

"No guitar today?" I asked as I found him without his guitar and he smiled.

"Nope. Abraham was playing it." He said smiling at me and I nodded my head with a smile. I looked at him who was looking at the sky silently. He is weirdly silent today. He is the one who talk a lot.

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