Chapter:- 23

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Hannan's POV:

"They do something more more more than this, beautiful." I smiled when I found her wide eyes looking at me. You just made me feel the same, beautiful. I was dying. But I was really not expecting such behaviour from her. And the peck. Oh damn! It felt heaven but I wasn't expecting our first kiss to happen in this way.

"Should I show you? Just like you showed them to me, beautiful." I said looking at her with raised brows and she shook her head lightly while looking at me. I raised my brows when she smirked. What's cooking in her mind?

"Go ahead, Mr.Mafia. Let's see if you really show me or not." My eyes widened hearing her. Damn. She is hell bold today.

"What has gotten into you, beautiful?" I said lying beside her and turned to her who turned to me while chuckling.

"Nothing, Mr.Mafia. I was just playing along with you." She said smiling at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Now you'll think twice before teasing me." She said patting my cheek and I smiled at her.

"No, beautiful. I'll tease you more often. I get to see a total new version of yours." I said winking at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Go ahead, Mr.Mafia. We may have more more more than what couples do in the middle of the night." She said smirking at me while I was just looking at her. Ya Allah! I am really shocked.

"I literally didn't know that my beautiful have this side too. I'm glad you showed this side of yours after marriage, beautiful." I said shaking my head and she chuckled.

"I'm glad only you know this side of your beautiful, Mr.Mafia." She said giving a peck on my lips making me smile and roll my eyes at the same time.

"If you want to kiss me, then kiss me properly, beautiful." I said looking at her and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm leaving it for you, Mr.Mafia. I want you to begin our proper kiss." She said cupping my face in her hands while I chuckled.

"Then shall we do it now, beautiful?" I asked with raised brows and she smiled.

"So eager?" I smiled hearing her while she chuckled.

"Keep quiet and sleep. Night is for sleeping." She said rolling her eyes and I smirked.

"Night is for something else too, beautiful." I said smirking at her and she glared at me.

"Shut up and sleep." She said covering her face with the quilt making me laugh. Oh Allah! Its fun to tease her.


I looked at her who was tying her Hijab while I was waiting for her from last half an hour.

"How much more time, beautiful?" I said looking at her and she turned to me.

"You should be patient, Mr.Mafia. A girl is getting ready." She said sitting on the bed while taking her shoes and I sighed.

"You haven't done any make up other than simple liner and face powder, beautiful. Still you took so much time." I said rolling my eyes at her and she shook her head.

"Let's go." She said walking towards me and I sighed.

"Finally." I said and she rolled her eyes. We drove towards the shop and I took a deep breath as I stopped the car.

"I don't know if it will work or not." I said shaking my head while turning to her who smiled.

"Its okay. Let's go for now." She said patting my hand and I nodded my head. We got out of the car and I smiled hearing her.

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