Chapter:- 21

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Hannan's POV:

I looked at the Maulvi who was writing something while my heart was beating crazily. Oh Allah! I don't even feel this heartbeat when I'm in front of my biggest enemy.

"Shall we start?" I heard the Maulvi and closed my eyes.

"Bismillah, Maulvi Sahab." I heard Uncle Hassan and clasped my hands together. After some time I finally heard the Maulvi asking for my concession.

"Do you Hannan Shehroz Malik, son of marhoom Shehroz Malik, take Aira Ziya Khan, daughter of marhoom Ziya Khan, as your beloved wife?" I wonder how beautiful felt. I bet she might have cried.

"I do." And the words finally left from my mouth. I repeated the same words for two more times and now I was not single. Alhamdulillah. I'm now someone's husband, companion, friend. And that someone is my beautiful who makes me crazy everytime and on every step of my life. I'm thankful to my Almighty that he made me meet someone like her. After Nikah and the sign, the Maulvi explained me the role of a husband and made a huge dua. When everyone left I found Habib standing in front of me with a smile.

"Shadi Mubarak, mere Bhai. You got married to your Kajal girl only." He said hugging me making me roll my eyes while chuckle at the same time.

"Thanks, bro. And I got married to beautiful. There's no Kajal girl now." I said pulling away while he chuckled. Then Fahad, Aahil, Bilal, and Arham hugged me congratulating me making me smile.

"Lets go, Bhai. Others are still outside." Arham said making me chuckle. We left the Mosque and I found boys standing outside with a big smile.

"CONGRATULATIONS." They all shouted together while I looked around only to find people looking at us.

"Slow down, guys. I'm here only." I said glaring at them and they all chuckled.

"Well, someone very important got married today, bro. Its important to let people know about this biggest happiness." Allen said smiling widely while I rolled my eyes. My eyes went to Rafael who was in Dany's arms and my lips formed into a big smile.

"Now a days, he can smile this big just because of this little musketeer." I chuckled hearing Harry and took him in my arms who was sleeping peacefully.

"Why did you make him sleep, bro?" I said kissing on his cheek who stirred in his sleep.

"You are responsible for that." I looked at Habib hearing him and frowned.

"How me?"

"Because you kept playing with him the whole afternoon and he didn't sleep." He said shaking his head while I rolled my eyes. Well, I can't resist kids. They are always my weak point. 

"And now he is completing his beauty sleep." Fahad said smiling at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Let his Dad answer, guys." I said glaring at them and turned to Dany who chuckled.

"They are right." I rolled my eyes hearing him. 

"You are my enemy." I said glaring at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah. I take that." He said rolling his eyes while I did the same.

"I think we should go now. Groom is very excited to see his bride." Ed said smirking at me and I shook my head. 

"He isn't going to get to see her though." Fred said as we walked towards our car but stopped when Dany stopped making us frown.

"Why? Why will he not be able to see her?" He asked looking at us with frowns and I rolled my eyes.

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