Chapter:- 9

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Hannan's POV:

"Don't think you won, Danish. Just find out if your girl is fine or not. She was in my territory." I fisted my palms hearing him and was about to turn and give him a good beating when I heard Daniel.

"Don't react, sir. Please. Fahad is contacting Rachael. Please, sir. We can't be careless if she is really under his territory." I closed my eyes and sighed when I felt Habib caressing my arm.

"I won't leave him if something happen to her." I said gritting my teeth.

"She is fine, sir. Go ahead with whatever you were going to do." I heard Daniel and smirked. I turned walking towards him and gave him a good punch making him fall down on the ground.

"This time you are saved because she is safe. Don't try to mingle her in our matter. Watch your actions." I said holding him by his collar and glaring at him while he chuckled.

"She will be involved, Danish. She is your weakness." He said smirking at me and I gave him another punch while glaring at him.

"But surprisingly, she said she is your strength." My hand stopped in the air hearing him next while he chuckled. 

"And let me give you another shock. She now knows that you are a Mafia." My eyes widened more hearing him next while my hold loosened on his collar. What?

"Tsk. You haven't confessed, right? What if she rejects you?" He said while getting up and I was just looking at him.

"Sir, give him a good punch." I heard Fahad and sighed. I got up and walked out.

"Lets go." I said looking at Habib who was glaring at Shadeeq. We reached out and I found Allen standing with the car. We took our seats inside and he started driving while my mind was thinking something else. What if she really doesn't accept my proposal? I think its alright. I should have expected it from the start. But before proposing her for marriage I wanted to tell her the truth. So I don't have to be worried about it now. I'll get to know if she is willing to be with me after knowing the truth with her reaction once we reach home. We got out of the car once it stopped and walked inside the building. We reached in the basement and my lips automatically formed into a smile seeing all the kids sleeping peacefully.

"Sir." My head turned to Fahad hearing him to find him coming towards us.

"What's their condition?" Habib asked and he sighed.

"Boy is fine, sir. But Edmund is saying girl's condition is worse." He said shaking his head and I sighed.

"Where's he?" I asked and he took us where Edmund was. He looked up when I stood beside him.

"Her condition is not good, bro. She was has been raped many times." My head jerked upto him hearing him while he was just looking at her.

"But we reached there to save her after a night only, Ed." Daniel said and he sighed.

"Many things can happen in a day, bro." He said but my eyes were stuck on the girl whose face has many marks. How lowly can these people be? I mean you are exploiting a girl's life just to satisfy your desires and pleasures.

"She might be around 8 and she has been molested. What type of cruelty is this?" I heard Allen and sighed.

"Don't forget an eight months old girl has became the victim of molestation, Allen." Fahad said while I sighed. I wonder at what age are these girls safe. When she can't even talk or walk properly, she is being molested then at every point and steps of their life they'll feel unsafe.

"Do anything, Ed but just save her. She shouldn't give up on her life without killing those ba***rds. Do your best to save her." I said looking at Edmund who nodded his head.

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