Chapter:- 10

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Aira's POV:

"So?" I opened my eyes hearing him to find him looking at me.

"Huh?" I was confused hearing him. Isn't he shocked after knowing the truth?

"So what if you are a divorced?" He said looking at me while I was looking at him hell confused.

"Don't tell me you were thinking I'll stop coming behind you and nagging you after knowing this?" He said looking at me with frowns and I looked down.

"Why are you making it sound like its very obvious? I'm saying I'm a divorcee. I was married to someone before." I said looking back at him and he sighed.

"Don't tell me you also think that you won't get married to someone else as you are a divorcee?" He asked raising his brows at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't believe that but people made me believe that." I said looking down and heard him sighing. I remember how people taunted me and insulted me because it was me who asked for divorce. And how people said that a girl like me would never be able to set her home.

"So you think you won't find your right partner now?" I looked up hearing him and chuckled.

"I don't know. May be I used to think that before coming here." I said looking at him with a smile and he smiled.

"What about now?" He asked and I smiled.

"Someone made me change my mind." I said smiling at him and he chuckled looking at the sky.

"Well, I didn't know I can make people change their mind." He said turning to me with a smile and I smiled back at him.

"I didn't take your name." I said looking at him with a smile.

"Aaahhh! That hurts, beautiful." He said keeping his hand on his chest making me roll my eyes. Drama king. I thought he'll ask me a lot of questions after knowing my truth but he is weirdly silent.

"You are weirdly silent today." I said looking at him and he turned to me.

"I'm gaining courage to say something." He said looking at me and I smiled.

"I wonder how much do I have to wait." I said looking away from him and heard him chuckling.

"You can go ahead first then." I rolled my eyes hearing him. If I could then I wouldn't have waited till today.

"You and I both know that's not going to happen." I said turning to him and chuckled when he pouted his lips.

"Poor me. I wonder if I'll be able to hear the deep feelings of yours ever." He said sighing deeply while I rolled my eyes.

"Actions speaks louder than words." I said looking at him and he smiled.

"I know right? Not every time confessing your feeling is necessary." He said looking at the sky and I was looking at him.

"Well, before we talk about us, I want to tell you something about me." He said turning to me and I smiled looking at him. I know what he wants to say.

"I know." I said looking at him and he smiled.

"I know." I frowned hearing him.

"Huh?" He chuckled.

"I know that you know about me being in Mafia." He said smiling at me but it shocked me. How does he know?

"I was just waiting for you to bring it up." He said looking at me while I was still shocked. This stupid. And I thought he is very nervous and scared to talk about that.

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