Chapter:- 2

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Hannan's POV:

I drove the car inside and after parking it I walked inside the house. My lips smiled when I found kids playing carrom.

"Good evening." I said walking towards them and their head turned to me.

"You are late." I smiled hearing Juliette. I walked towards her and sat in front of her who was sitting on the wheelchair.

"I know I'm late. But why the Mummy is so hyper? Has she made something for me, guys?" I asked looking at the kids and they nodded their head.

"Yep. Your favourite." Abraham said smiling at me and my head turned to her.

"Really?" I asked looking at her with a smile and she nodded her head.

"Why?" She rolled her eyes.

"On this day you brought me here. This is the best day of my life. More than my birthday." She said smiling widely and I smiled patting her head.

"Hell. I don't even love my birthday." She said shaking her head and I sighed.

"You go and get freshen up. We all will set the table." Arham said smiling at me and I smiled.

"Where is Amanda and Ahlam?" I asked looking Juliette and Amna who smiled.

"They both are sleeping." Amna said and I looked at her.

"Right now?" I asked and they nodded their head.

"My night." I said making a crying face and they chuckled. I got up and went to the room where they might be sleeping. I walked inside and smiled looking at them who were sleeping hugging each other. I walked out and went to my room. Well, these kids are disable in some way. Some of them are on wheelchair while some of them are standing with the support of sticks. From age 4 to 17 years. But not all of them are disable. Some of them are normal but still abnormal. Even not having parents beside you is an abnormality. Abnormality of life. And there are total 9 kids in this house. There are only four boys among the kids; Abraham, Arham, Aaron, and Aahil. I found Aahil searching for a job at the age of 6 years. I couldn't leave a 6 years old boy working when he should be studying. So, I brought him here. Habib brought Abraham and Arham when they were 7 years and now they are 10 years. Alhamdulillah. And even Habib was the one who told me that Aaron parents were going to abort him because their gynecologist told them he will be born as an abnormal. We convinced them not to abort him and we'll take care of him. And we are doing that. Alhamdulillah. Aaron is on wheelchair from the very start. His legs doesn't work as other kids walk though he is 8 years old now. While, Amna and Juliette are 13 years old and elder among all the kids. Both of them were being trafficked from India to Afghanistan. There I saved many girls but Juliette, Amna, and Rafiya are living here because we couldn't find any trace of their parents. And Amanda and Ahlam are the only girls who are 4 years old kids. When I went to Oman for some work 3 years ago and there I found Ahlam lying in the middle of the road. I tried to find her parents but wasn't able to and I brought her here. If her parents come here then well good if not then I'll be her parent. Well, Habib, me and some more boys are the parents of all these kids till now. And Amanda's father himself gave her to me when he was dying. Her mother died while giving birth to her. So, that's how many kids are with me right now and they all are happy here. Alhamdulillah. I prayed Isha after freshening up and walked out to find the Juliette, Amna, and Rafiya setting the table. Juliette is on wheelchair. She tried to jump off the building once and lost her legs. But I'm happy that it doesn't stop her from living her life. No matter if she can walk or not, she try to do her works by themselves.

"Where is Habib, Abraham?" I asked walking towards them and he smiled.

"Well, he went after his princess as she has taken your car to pick up her cousin who is coming from India tonight." He said smiling at me and I chuckled.

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