Chapter:- 25

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Aira's POV:


"Bhai, Hannan is having those attacks I think. I don't know what to do. He is scaring me." I said while looking for some pills in the drawers. 

"Bhabhi, relax first." I took a deep breath and my eyes went to him whose eyes started closing down.

"Look at the top book shelf. There's a bottle. Give him two pills fast." I followed him and took out two pills. My eyes widened when I found his eyes closed. 

"His eyes." I walked towards him and held his hand in mine which was so cold.

"Damn shit. I'll be there with Ed, Bhabhi. Relax. Nothing has happened to him." He said and before I could say anything the line was cut. I rubbed his hand in mine while tears were making their way on my cheeks.

"Hannan." I called him while caressing his cheek but got no answer.  Why does he always scares me? Why its only him everytime who gets the chance to make me anxious? I looked up when the door opened and found Ed running inside with Ashley and Habib Bhai behind him. I got away while Ed started checking on him.

"You don't have to worry about anything, dear. He'll be fine." He said after checking him and I kept looking at him.

"Does these attacks gets this worse? To the point that he loses his senses?" I said looking back at Ed who nodded his head. 

"Unfortunately yes." He said while I kept looking at him.

"Aira, you be here with him. We'll send both of your breakfast in here only." Ashley said patting my shoulder and I nodded my head.

"Don't tell anything about this to Aunt and Uncle. They'll get worried." I said to her and she nodded her head.

"Don't worry. We won't." She said smiling at me and I nodded my head. 

"Relax, Bhabhi. He'll be fine in some time." Habib Bhai said and I nodded my head.

"Is there any chances he'll get them again when he wakes up?" I asked looking at them and they shook their head.

"No, Bhabhi. He gets them whenever he think about his past." Habib Bhai said looking at him while I sighed.

"But he can't live with those attacks throughout his life. Past is something which never leaves. Especially if it is this dreadful and painful." I said shaking my head while my eyes were stuck on him who was sleeping or was unconscious Allah knows. 

"Make him understand that, dear. He doesn't listen to us." Ed said smiling at me and I nodded my head.

"He convinced Rafiya, and Laiba to take sessions to get rid of those attacks and he hasn't done that to himself. No doubt. He is a stupid." Ashley said glaring at him and we chuckled lightly. 

"Let's go for now. I freaked out when he came there with that pale face." We chuckled hearing her who glared at Habib Bhai while he was smiling. They left closing the door behind them while I took my seat beside him. I never thought on our first meeting that this man, who flirted with me on our first meet, have gone through so much. Have so much pain inside him. Has seen more than he could have as a child. Can life be less cruel? I don't think so. And he said he only received happiness after meeting his Uncle Haroon. I don't understand where did he find happiness. I looked at the door when it opened and found Amna, Rafiya, Abraham, Arham, and Aahil standing there.

"How's Bhai?" Amna asked looking at him then looked at me making me smile.

"He is fine, guys. Don't worry. He'll be your same lively Bhai when he wakes up." I said smiling at them and they sighed.

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