Chapter:- 13

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Hannan's POV:

I took out my gun and looked at her who was looking at me with scary eyes. I didn't want to see that in her eyes ever. But again, I can't expect so much from her. If she is becoming part of my life then seeing her getting scared daily shouldn't be new for me. As soon as they were out of my sight I opened the door and the series of firing started. I really want to break each one of their bones right now. First, they made a kid's life a living hell after making her the victim of trafficking. Second, she became a rape victim, and third, now they don't even want to let her live her life peacefully. I wasn't paying attention where they are being fired because I was continuous firing my gun with anger in my eyes. I rolled my eyes when I felt someone holding me by my neck from behind. I aimed the gun at his thigh but my bad, both the guns have to leave me at this time only.

"You think fate will be on your side all the time?" I heard the stupid and rolled my eyes.

"Fate is never on my side." I said looking at him over my shoulder and coughed when his hold tightened on my neck.

"I wonder if your kids will be able to see you after today." I wanted to roll my eyes after hearing him but I was busy in trying to loose his hold on my neck. Before I can answer him I heard a gun shot and the next second I found him lying on the ground while groaning in pain holding his leg. I chuckled rubbing my neck and smiled at Habib and Fahad who stood beside me.

"If you are courageous enough to harm me." I said sitting down on the ground while keeping my knees on his injury making him groan more.

"Sorry. You had your chance to pull the trigger but you were just talking like a stupid." I said taking the magazine from Habib and putting it in my gun.

"Sir." I looked at Fahad to find him passing me some photos.

"Are they all?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Yes, sir. It was Harry who found this out." He said and I nodded my head.

"What about other three?" I asked looking at the photos while pressing more on his injury.

"Two of them are with Shafeeq, and we are not able to trace the fourth one." He said and I nodded my head. I put the gun on his head making his eyes wide.

"Any last wish?" He started shaking his head looking at me with fear.

"No? Good." I said smirking at him while he was just shaking his head.

"Please... leave me. I... beg you." He said shaking his head while I chuckled.

"Aren't these words familiar to you?" I asked while pulling the tigger and his eyes widened more.

"Goodbye. A rapist shouldn't roam around like this." I said while pressing the trigger button and stood up leaving his photo behind. Lets close the chapter with him only.

"Lets go." I said while moving out but stopped when I felt Habib stopping me.

"Where?" I sighed looking at him.

"I have to deal with Shafeeq first." I said gritting my teeth and he sighed.

"Do you really have to do this?" He asked and I looked at him.

"Yes. I have to do this. I have to give some piece of mind to that f***ing man. He is crossing his lines." I said turning to the other side and sighed when I felt him stopping me again.

"Hannan." Without listening to him I walked towards the car which was parked at the end of the road. I got inside and looked at them.

"Are you guys coming or should I go?" They sighed hearing me and got inside.

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