Chapter:- 28

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Hannan's POV: 

I walked inside the house and my lips formed into a smile when I found Clara with Rafael around her. I looked around to look for Harry and sighed when I didn't find him. I took out my phone and was about to go out to call him when I held beautiful's hand stopping me.

"Where, Mr.Mafia?" She asked and I smiled.

"Going to call Harry, beautiful. Future Mrs.Harry is here." I said smiling at her and she chuckled.

"Go." She said leaving my hand and I walked out. I dialled his number and looked up when I heard his phone ringing to find him coming inside the gate. 

"I'm here. Why are you looking for me?" He said walking towards me and I smiled.

"Well, that smile is giving me weird vibes." He said taking a step back but I was fast enough to grab him by his neck.

"Let's go." I said snaking my arm around his shoulder and he sighed.

"So Clara is here?" He said looking at me and I smiled.

"Right." I said and he shook his head looking away. I don't know why but I feel like Clara and Harry know each other. They have some past. We walked inside and I smiled when I found her lying down on the ground with Rafael on her stomach.

"Don't you have any other work that you keep coming here, Ms.Wilson?" I looked at Harry who said walking towards the couch while she turned her head to him.

"I come here because I have to make it up for someone for something." She said looking at him who chuckled looking down then turned to her.

"Thank God you realized that you have done something wrong with me, Ms.Wilson." He said looking at her and I frowned. Am I right? 

"I didn't say its you, Mr.Redcliff." She said smiling at him while he nodded his head looking away from her.

"Oh yes. How can I forget that I was not a part of your life for you to do something wrong with me?" He said sighing deeply while I looked at Clara who pressed her lips together and a tear left from her eyes.

"I was just a pawn for you in a game." He said looking at her who was playing with Rafael.

"It was a stupid me for making you an important part of my life. The biggest mistake of my life." I looked at him who got up and walked towards the boys room. I'm curious now.

"They know each other." I turned to beautiful hearing her and smiled at her.

"They love each other, beautiful. They have ocean of love in their eyes. But something has happened in their past." I said smiling lightly at her and she sighed.

"Why everyone has to be so messed up? First Ed and Ash, now Harry and Clara." She said pouting her lips and I smiled. Right.

"Only Fahad, Allen, and Fred are remaining." I said turning to them who rolled their eyes.

"I don't have anyone in my life to make it a past. I was just an orphan who ran from that hell. A clean past." Fahad said smiling at us and I smiled. I know about him.

"I don't know anything about me. I have forgotten my past." Fred said smiling at us and I nodded my head.


"Hm. He is suffering from Dissociative Amnesia. He doesn't remember anything." I said smiling at beautiful who was looking at me with wide eyes.

"Not even any of your family member?" She asked looking at him who smiled lightly.

"I don't know anyone other than my sister who was beside me when I lost my memory. And she was the one who told me not to put effort in remembering my past as it doesn't have anything but pain. So I left it." He said smiling at her and she was just staring at him.

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