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Edmund and Ashley:
Gabrielle- 23 years
Luke- 20 years

Daniel and Rachael: 
Rafael- 24 years
Delilah- 18 years

Harry and Clara:
Dante- 19 years

Fredrick and Jacqueline:
Cara- 18 years

Habib and Habiba:
Halima- 17 years
Hashim- 16 years

Hannan and Aira:
Ahad- 22 years
Azrin- 18 years

Third Person's POV:

After few years.

He looked at them with a big smile who were cheering for him with the banner of his name in the crowd.

"Stop looking at your siblings and play the game. They aren't going anywhere." He turned hearing one of his teammate and glared at him.

"Not a single word about my siblings." He said taking the ball from his hand and ran away from him. After the game he walked out with a big smile and chuckled when his siblings surrounded him.

"CONGRATULATIONS, BROTHER. YOU MADE IT TO THE FINALS." He chuckled hearing them and shush them keeping his finger on his lips. 

"We know your brother made till the finals but you don't have to shout out to the whole world." They heard a boy from the opposite team and sighed. Dante was about to say something when they heard another voice.

"Let the people burn in jealousy with the flames of your victory, bro. We shouldn't give a f**k to them." They all looked at the replica of Hannan Malik coming towards them with a smile and hugged Rafael who chuckled.

"Congratulations, brother." He said patting his back while he smiled.

"Where's my favourite word, boy?" He asked pulling away from him and he chuckled.

"Congratulations, Bhai." He said smiling at him and he wrapped his arm around him making him smile. 

"Where are we partying tonight?" Ahad asked looking at his siblings and they all screamed making them chuckle.

"At our terrace." Hashim said smirking and they all smiled.

"And we have to prepare a loooott." Halima said smiling widely and they all chuckled.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." Gabrielle said wrapping her arms around the kids and they all followed her.

"Have you talked to Aunt?" Rafael asked looking at him and he sighed shaking his head.

"Nope not yet. Will do it tonight." Ahad said smiling at him and he nodded his head.

"What if Aunt say no?" He asked and he smiled shaking his head.

"Ammi won't. She'll leave the decision on me." He said smiling at him and he nodded his head.

"Ammi never had problem with Abbu's work, Bhai. She always supported him." He said smiling at him and he nodded his head.

"I also want to talk to Dad about the same thing." He said sighing deeply and he nodded his head.

"Don't worry. We both will get permission." He said smiling at him and he chuckled.

"For now, let's enjoy the night." He chuckled hearing him and they walked towards their home to celebrate the success.


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