Chapter:- 18

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Aira's POV: 

"What's cooking up here?" I looked at my right hearing Khala to find her sitting beside me with a smile.

"Kya khichdi pak rahi hai yaha par?" She asked pointing at my head making me chuckle

(What's cooking up here?)

"Well, nothing much. Was just thinking of ways to tell Hannan that I'm the Kajal girl who met him there in Mumbai." I said smiling at her and she chuckled.

"Give him some hints of that incident which you think he hasn't shared with the kids and the boys. Then it may hit him." She said smiling at me and I kept looking at her.

"But how will I know to how much does the kids and the boys know about the incident?" I said looking at her and she smiled.

"How about you tell the kids that it was you?" She said smiling at me and I smiled. They'll be helpful then. 

"You are the best, Khala." I said hugging her while she chuckled patting my back. I pulled away and laid down keeping my head in her lap while she started caressing my hair. We both were silent when I remember something.

"Khala." I looked at her who looked at me hearing me.

"From where did you get that lawyer for my divorce?" I asked looking at her in confusion and she smiled. I always wanted to ask her.

"How do you think I managed?" She asked looking at me with a smile and I frowned.

"How would I know?" She chuckled hearing me.

"Think deeply. I know a very influential person." She said smiling widely at me and my eyes widened. Don't tell me it was Hannan?

"Did you know Hannan at that time?" I asked looking at her and she smiled.

"I know him from last 6 years. I met him after seven or eight months of your Khalu's death." She said smiling at me and I kept looking at her.

"So, it was Hannan?" I asked and she nodded her head with a smile. How more ironic my fate can be?

"Can I ask you something very personal?" I asked her after some time and she smiled.

"What's personal between us, girl? We share each and everything with each other." She said caressing my head making me smile.

"I know. But what I'm going to ask may hurt you. Emotionally." I said looking at her and she smiled.

"Go ahead." She said and I sighed.

"When Khalu passed away, you didn't have anyone beside you other than Habiba. Even I wasn't there. How did you cope up with everything alone? Wasn't it too hard?" I looked at her who kept looking at me for some time and then smiled which was reflecting sadness.

"I was broken. I wasn't ready to loose him so early." I looked at her who looked at me while tears formed in her eyes.

"My daughter was just 15 years old and she lost her father. When she was reaching the age where she needed her father to take multiple decisions for her, to guide her, he left her. He was taken away from her. It broke me." She wiped the tears which fell down her cheeks and smiled at me.

"And his death was very sudden, very unfortunate. If he would have been sick, I would have been ready, but it wasn't. I got a call from one of his colleague and they told me that he was taken to the hospital. When we reached hospital, doctor came and informed me that he had cardiac arrest. This was the shocking news I got but along with the news of him leaving me." I wiped her tears which were just flowing down her cheeks while my eyes were filled with tears.

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