Chapter:- 4

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Hannan's POV:

I looked at her back who walked out of the house and chuckled shaking my head. She is beautiful. She is different. I shook my head and walked back inside to find Amna in kitchen. I walked towards her and made her turn to the exit.

"Go from here and get ready for the class. Your teacher might be arriving." I said looking at her and she nodded her head with a smile.

"And wake up Habib too. He is still sleeping." I said walking towards the counter to take out plates to serve the breakfast which that beautiful girl just delivered.

"Ji, Bhai." I heard her voice and smiled. When I was setting the plates on the table I found Habib coming out of the room and walked directly to the window from where he can see the cafe.

"Your princess left already. You are late." I said walking back in the kitchen.

"Did she take the car again?" I heard him and nodded my head.

"Yep." I said taking the plates from the counter and walked back to the dining table.

"Don't worry, bro. Allen is with her." I said placing the dishes on the table and he sighed.

"Her craze for high speed scares me, bro." He said shaking his head and I smiled. 

"She is grown up, bud. She'll take care of herself." I said sitting on my chair and he rolled his eyes.

"Grown up? Joke of the year, bro." I laughed hearing him.

"I bet she will spit fire from her eyes after hearing this." I said smiling at him and he rolled his eyes.

"She doesn't do that to me. Weirdly." He said looking at me and I chuckled.

"May be because she likes you." I said smiling at him and he rolled his eyes again.

"She doesn't glare at me doesn't mean she likes me, bro. I think she is still very young to realize what love is." He said smiling at me and I smiled.

"I think its heart which gives us signal if we are in love or not. Not age." I said smiling at him and he chuckled.

"So, has your heart gave you the signal?" He asked smirking at me and I rolled my eyes. I shouldn't have said that.

"It hasn't yet, Bhai. But it will give the signal soon." We both looked at Juliette hearing her voice to find her coming towards us with a smile.

"Really, girl?" He asked smiling at her and she nodded her head with a big smile.

"He met his beautiful today." I looked at Amna hearing her and sighed. They are again back to me.

"Beautiful?" Habib said looking at me with narrowed his brows at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Yep. Beautiful. He called her beautiful." I glared at Aaron hearing her to find Rafiya pushing his wheelchair from back. Everyone here is my enemy. 

"I want to meet this girl whom our Bhai has found beeaauutifuull." I heard Abraham to find him coming inside with other boys.

"Yes. He has flirted with many other girls but he never ever called any girl 'beautiful'." Aahil said smiling at me and I was just looking at them. What should I say here? I'm the prey of their teasing.

"May be his heart said that this time." Arham said smiling at me and I shook my head.

"Not may be, boy. Its definitely his heart." Rafiya said smiling at me and I just sighed again.

"And we have to do something to make him forget that Kajal girl who has disappeared from this world I think." Juliette said looking at me and I chuckled looking down.

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