Chapter:- 7

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Hannan's POV:

"HOW CAN YOU GUYS BE SO CARELESS?" I shouted and they all looked down.

"Sorry, sir." Fahad said looking down while I closed my eyes to calm myself.

"WILL YOUR SORRY BRING THE KIDS BACK?" I don't know why but I'm losing it. This is not good.

"Calm down, bro." I heard Habib and sighed when I felt him rubbing my back.

"Definitely not, sir." I heard him and sighed.

"Get out." I said walking back to the couch and sat down keeping my head on the headrest.

"This is not good, bro." I said shaking my head still with closed.

"Relax." I opened my eyes hearing Habib and shook my head.

"I'm not able to. Each second is painful. Each second impacts negatively on our mind, bro. I know, you know, we know." I said looking at him and he was just looking at me.

"Each second leaves a trauma behind. Its not a good experience." I started breathing heavily. Damn. This also has to come now. I get an anxiety attack whenever I think about those traumatic days of my life.

"Shit." I heard Habib and closed my eyes keeping my head back on the headrest. After some seconds I felt Habib placing the pill in my mouth and I gulped it down with the water. After some time my breathing became normal and I turned my head towards Habib.

"Why do you alway think about those days?" He said glaring at me and I sighed.

"The same thing will happen with those two kids, bro. They are just 7 years old and they have became the victim of child trafficking." I said looking at him and he sighed.

"We'll excute the plan tonight. Stop thinking about the past." He said glaring at me and I sighed.

"We can't do that tonight. We can't leave kids alone at home in this situation when those men are behind us for failing their plan." I said shaking my head and he sighed.

"But who will look after kids?" He asked and I shrugged. I don't know.

"How about you ask Bhabhi?" I looked at him weirdly hearing him and he chuckled.

"I mean your beautiful." He said chuckling and I rolled my eyes but a smile formed on my lips. Stupid me.

"We can't involve her here, bro." I said looking at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Bro, she is going to be involved in near future, right?" He said looking at me and I looked down. Will she really become a part of my life? 

"Or are you going to leave her?" My head jerked up to him hearing him while my heartbeat increased with that one thought.

"You can't, right?" He said smiling at me and I sighed looking at the other side.

"Your face is clearly saying that you can't leave her." I sighed hearing him and turned to him who smiled at me.

"She is not just beautiful for you to flirt, bro. She has become beautiful part of your life. A beautiful part where you can't ignore her." He said smiling at me and I was just looking at him. But I guess he is right somewhere. We looked at the door when it opened and found Fahad coming inside.

"What happened, Fahad?" I asked and he sighed.

"Sorry, sir for not taking care of the kids. It will not happen next time." He said looking at me and I sighed.

"Its okay. I'm sorry for shouting at you guys." I said and he smiled. He was about to go but stopped making me frown.

"You want to say something?" I asked and he nodded his head.

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