Chapter:- 11

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Hannan's POV:

"What if my answer is negative?" My eyes widened hearing her.

"Huh?" What the hell? I'm already hell nervous here. Why does she have to say something like this?

"What if my answer is in negative?" I looked at her hearing her again and sighed.

"Then you can leave from here without smiling at me." I said looking at her and she nodded her head.


"So, what's the question?" I heard her and rolled my eyes. Question my foot. You interrupted me and now asking about the question. Oh Allah! It was such a good flow. Why does she have to interrupt?

"You ruined it, beautiful." I said glaring at her and she sighed.

"Are you going to make me wait for another one month?" She asked looking back at me and I narrowed my brows at her.

"I thought it was you who could wait. But I'm seeing the another way round." I said smirking at her and she glared at me.

"I can wait." She said glaring at me making me smile.

"Tone and eyes are saying something else, beautiful." I said smirking at her while she again glared at me.

"Shut up." She gritted making me chuckle.

"That was going to be a confession, bro." I turned my head hearing Habib to find him coming with Aunt, Habiba, and all the kids.

"Bhaiii!" I chuckled hearing the kids.

"Well, your Di ruined it." I said shrugging my shoulders and turned to her who was looking at them with wide eyes. She turned to me then said.

"Were they here from the very start?" I blinked my eyes nodding my head at her.

"Were they listening to us?" I again nodded my head smiling at her.

"It was all planned?" I chuckled nodding my head but it disappeared hearing her next.

"Still you messed it up?" I glared at her.

"You ruined it. You interrupted me." I said glaring at her and she rolled her eyes.

"I just asked you a possibility. You should have continued when I asked you about the question." She said shrugging her shoulders and I glared at her.

"I was nervous." I hit my head hearing myself. Why do I have to say that aloud? Stupid me.

"Well, a heart can't lie for a long time." I glared at Daniel hearing him while he smiled.

"He at last accepted that he was nervous." Rachel said smirking at me while I rolled my eyes.

"Am I lucky to hear the question again?" I turned to her hearing her to find her looking at me with a smile.

"Am I lucky to hear the answer directly?" I said smiling at her and she chuckled.

"I'm not that good." She said smiling at me while I rolled my eyes. I don't know why but she has started acting differently after she met Shafeeq.

"Then wait." I said smiling at her while she rolled her eyes. She was about to say something when we heard another voice.

"I was waiting for confession but I think its not happening." My eyes frowned finding him. What the hell is he doing here?

"What the hell are you doing here?" I found Rachel standing in front of him with fire blazing eyes while he smiled at her.

"Wow! I didn't know I'll meet you here, babe. After a long time." He said smirking at her while she rolled her eyes.

"Don't call me that. You've lost the right. Get lost from here." She gritted while he smirked.

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