Chapter:- 8

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Aira's POV:

I shook my head when I felt something splashing on my face and someone patting my cheek. No. It was not even a simple pat. More like the person was slapping me. I opened my eyes slowly only to come face to face with a strange man. He smiled at me and I frowned. Do I know him?

"Good." He said getting away from me and I was looking at him with confusion.

"You are conscious, right?" He asked taking his seat on a chair in front of me while I realized I was tied up. So I'm abducted.

"What if I say no?" I said looking at him and he raised his brows at me.

"Woah! Fiesty huh? Not bad. He has a choice." He said smiling at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Now you are going to tell me where your lover is?" He asked getting damn closer to me and I looked at him weirdly. Do I look like a fool to him?

"I don't have a lover." I said shrugging my shoulders and he rolled his eyes.

"That stupid guy who keeps tailing behind you." He said glaring at me and I rolled my eyes. 

"I don't have any relation with him. I'm no one to him." I said shaking my head and he rolled his eyes then smirked.

"You may not know but you are his weakness. I can use you against him." He said smirking at me and I chuckled.

"Are o buddhu! I'm not his weakness." I said smirking at him and he glared at me.

(O stupid!)

"I'm his strength." I said smiling at him and he glared at me. I pinched my eyes tightly when he held my hair in his fist.

"Whom did you call buddhu, you freaking bi**h?" He said getting damn closer to my face while I opened my eyes looking at him.

"If a buddhu isn't call a buddhu then what should I call you?" I said smirking at him and his hold tightened on my hair. Just wait for my hands to get freed from these ties, you stupid. You'll pay for hurting me. I wish Abbu could teach me how to untie these ties.

"AREN'T YOU TALKING TOO MUCH, YOU B**CH? IS THIS BECAUSE YOU ARE SO PROUD TO BE HIS STRENGTH?" He shouted getting away from me while I looked at him weirdly.

"You and I both are here. So, slow down." I said looking at him and he glared at me.

"And shouldn't I be proud of myself for becoming someone's strength?" I said smiling at him and he kept looking at me for some time then chuckled.

"His one reality will take away your all strength." He said smirking at me and I kept looking at him.

"Let's hear that." I said looking at him and he smirked.

"Do you really think he is just Hannan Malik like you all know?" He said bending down at my level and I smiled widely hearing him. I really want to know who is he in real.

"I really used to think that he is just Hannan but from last night I don't think he is just Hannan Malik. Let's hear what is he in real." I said smiling at him and he smirked. But my eyes widened hearing him next. I wasn't just comparing them without any reason. They had a relation between them.

"He is Danish Hannan Malik. The biggest don of the Mafia world. He is a Mafia." He is a Mafia man. He is Danish Hannan Malik. The Mafia whom I have met before.


I walked towards the lift while looking around because the whole floor was weirdly silent. Just as I was about to walk inside the lift I felt someone holding me from back making me shriek. I was about to knock him down when I was pulled by some other person who kept his hand on my mouth over my veil while keeping his finger on his mask gesturing me to keep quiet. 

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