The beginning

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Hello, everyone! Few things I wanted to say before you start reading, when I first started this book I was extremely terrible at writing. I still am, but I think it's gotten better. Bye guys, peace.

---11 Years before Harry and Rose--

Jane heard her daughter, Rose, cry from upstairs, and so, hoping to sooth the child so she could return to her reading she walked quickly upstairs and picked up Rose, rocking her back and forth for a couple of minutes. Rose had stopped crying, but almost immediately after the child had calmed down, the door down stairs was kicked in. Rose began to cry again, and Jane froze before moving to protect her daughter. She put her daughter in her crib and took out her wand.

The floor and stairs creaked as whoever was in the house made their way up the stairs painfully slow, and after a few minutes they reached the door and stepped inside, wand raised and pointed at Jane. "Move, or you will die as well," the man, Voldemort, demanded.

"I am not willing to let my daughter die and see it with my own eyes!" She spat, sending him a cold glare and taking a fighting stance in front of the crib.

Voldemort smirked under his hood and let out an amused sigh. "Well, if you insist, Avada Kedavra!" A bright green light filled the room, but quickly dissipated, leaving Jane on the ground, dead. Her scream seemed to echo through the rather large house.

Voldemort laughed coldly and kicked the body aside carelessly, pointing his wand at the child in the crib and repeating the killing curse. The green light filled the room again but once it dissipated, the child was still stood in her crib, giant tears running down her face with Voldemort kneeled before the crib in pain, quickly apparating away just as a young man appeared outside. The man, Sirius, had just returned from a checking in on his and the Potter's secret keeper, Peter Pettigrew. After recovering from the after affects of apparation his eyes caught sight of his house, with the door kicked in and a large piece of Rose's bedroom blown off where the curse rebounded. "No..." Sirius whispered, tears appearing in his eyes.

Sirius quickly sprinted inside and upstairs, eyes frantically searching Rose's bedroom as he reached it. His heart sunk and every bit of hope he had in him left when he saw Jane on the floor, dark brown hair spread beneath her like a fan, dull lifeless eyes staring at the ceiling. "J-Jane," Sirius croaked, falling to his knees as tears streamed down his face.

"Da! Ma! Pway!" A small voice yelled out. Sirius' breath caught in his breath and quickly ran to the voice, laughing in relief and delight when he spotted Rose reaching her chubby arms out to him. Sirius ran forward and lifted Rose up, hugging her close to his chest.

"You're alive...I haven't lost all of my family..."

A blue light blinded Sirius momentarily as a Phoenix flew in front of him, the voice of Albus Dumbledore coming from the Patronus. "Sirius, you are needed at Hogwarts. Please come quickly." Dumbledore's voice was soft and gentle, and Sirius felt a knot appear in his stomach. Something else was wrong.

Sirius quickly used the fire place in Rose's room to floo to Hogwarts, appearing in the rather spacious room that was Dumbledore's office. "Hello, Sirius. I'm glad you could make it. Where is Jane?" A wispy voice called from behind Sirius. Sirius turned to look at the old professor, a lump in his throat.

"Dead." Sirius answered simply, clutching a now sleeping Rose closer to him, shaking his head to keep the image of Jane's lifeless body from his mind.

"I am truly sorry...but...there is more bad news," Dumbledore said solemnly, the usual twinkle in his eye vanishing and being replaced with sorrow. "James and Lily Potter were murdered not too long ago. Maybe half an hour ago," Sirius's eyes widened pricked with new tears as he took in the heartbreaking news.

"And Harry?" Sirius choked, turning to face his old Head Master who had moved behind his desk now.

"Luckily he survived, only received a scar. Does Rose have one?" Dumbledore asked curiously. Sirius moved her head from his chest to check, nodding when he spotted a small scar almost shaped like a rose on her cheek. It was rather tiny, about the size of the tip of her pinky, but still noticeable.

Dumbledore nodded, as if confirming something, before telling Sirius what he was most afraid to say. "Sirius I'm afraid we can't allow Rose to stay with you. She will be transferred to your muggle sister, where she will live until she's old enough to come to Hogwarts. You'll be able to visit her.," The old man explained.

"What?! There's no way I'm giving up the only other member of my family!" Sirius whispered harshly, once again bringing Rose closer to him, as if he was trying to protect her from everything.

"Sirius please. It's too dangerous for her to stay with you!" Dumbledore practically pleaded. Sirius thought it over. He would be able to visit Rose, but it wouldn't be the same. Sirius came to a decision.

"Fine. She can stay with my sister, but you better keep your word," Sirius snapped. "Will Harry be put with Lily's sister?" Sirius asked, cringing at the mere mention of her.

"Yes. Now go, I have to take Harry to the Dursley's," Dumbledore said sternly before disappearing.

Sirius flood to his house, keeping his eyes closed so he didn't see Jane's body and apparated to his sisters house, making a basket and warm blanket appear, wrapping Rose in the blanket and placing her in the basket, placing a letter the Dumbledore had given him before leaving beside his daughter. "Be good for your aunt, Princess." Sirius whispered, kissing the girls head and placing her on the steps, backing away after knocking on the door. "We'll meet again."

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