Book 2: Chapter 30

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Since the last two attack, the teachers had been escorted us from class to class. Right now, Lockhart was leading us all to history of magic. "Mark my words." Lockhart said loudly. "The first thing out of those poor Petrified people mouths will be 'It was Hagrid.' Frankly I'm astounded Professor McGonagall thinks all these security measures are necessary."

"I agree, sir." I said brightly. The boys dropped their books and glared at me in betrayal. 

"Thank you, Rose." Lockhart grinned. "I mean, we teachers have enough to go on with without taking children to class and stand guard all night..." Lockhart whined.

"That's right, sir." Harry said, catching on. "Why don't you leave us here, sir, we've only got one more corridor to go..." Harry said.

"You know what, Potter, I think I will..." Lockhart agreed, "I should go prepare my next class..." And he hurried off.

"Prepare his class," Ron sneered after him. "Gone to curl his hair, more like." I rolled my eyes, watching Lockhart till he disappeared around a corner. Then we all waited until the class was in front of us a bit to take off. Just as we started the walk to Moaning Myrtles bathroom, however,

"Potter! Weasley! Black!" Minnie said angrily. "What are you doing?"

"We - we were - um - " Ron stuttered. "We - We were going to see -"

"Hermione." I cut in quickly. "And Cathy." I winced. "I - I haven't seen them in forever, Miss. None of us have. We just wanted to tell them that the Mandrakes were almost ready, and that they would be okay." I lied, putting on a brave face, hoping Minnie didn't see, well that any of them saw, that I was on the verge of tears. I missed them both.

"Of course." Minnie spoke in a croaky voice. Was that a tear? "I realize this has been hardest on the friends and family of those who have been...I quite understand. Yes, Potter, Black, Weasley, of course you may visit Ms. Granger, and Ms. Black. I will inform Professor Binns where you've gone. Tell Madam Pomfrey I have given you my permission." McGonagall said. We all nodded, walking in the direction of the hospital wing.

"Oh, all right!" Madam Pomfrey said, letting us in. I gave her a small smile. "There is absolutely no point in talking to a petrified person!" She muttered, walking to the office and telling us we had 15 minutes. I sat on Cathy's bed, holding her cold and almost lifeless hand, small tears coming to my eyes. Forcing them back, I cleared my throat.

"Hey, Cathy." I sniffed. "How are ya? You probably can't hear me, but I just wanted to talk to you. I miss you. We all do, especially Fred. Hasn't been the same since you were petrified. Man you have him whipped.

The mandrakes are almost done." I smiled. "They'll be ready soon." I turned away from Cathy, looking at Hermione. I was about to say something when Harry said,

"Ron! Rose!" I looked at him curiously.

"What's up?" I asked. He pointed to Mione's hand.

"There's a price of paper in her hand!" Harry told me.

"See if you can get it out!" I said excitedly, moving my chair along with Ron to block Harry from view. With a few tugs and groans, the ball of paper was pulled from Mione's hand. Being careful not to rip it, Harry opened it slowly. It was a page torn from a very old library book. It read;

 Underneath the passage, a word had been written in what I recognized immediately as Hermione's neat, cursive writing

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Underneath the passage, a word had been written in what I recognized immediately as Hermione's neat, cursive writing. It said: Pipes. "Oh my Merlin." I whispered as the pieces fit together. "The monster - it's a baskilisk - a serpent!" I told them.

"That why we can here it! We speak parstletounge!" Harry mumbled to us.

"Uh, one thing about your theory, the basilisk kills people by looking at it." Ron pointed out.

"No one did look at it." I told him. "Not directly at least. Colin saw it through his camera, Justin saw it through Nick, and Nick must have gotten hit with a full blast, but he's already dead, so he can't die again. And...Mrs, Norris! There was water that night on the floor! And Mione and Cathy had the mirror with them! I bet you anything Mione took it with them just in case." I connected all the dots. It made sense, now we just had to tell someone!

"But how's it getting around?" Ron asked as Harry paced.

"The pipes." Harry answered quickly. "We...we need to tell Professor McGonagall!" Harry said.

"She'll be at the staff room in ten minutes! Let's wait there!" I said, jumping to my feet. We started running when there was a voice that filled the entirety of the Hogwarts castle.

"All students will return to their dormitories immediately." McGonagall said. Students rushed past us to their dorms, looking scared. "All staff report to the staffroom."

"Come on." I muttered. They followed me to the staffroom. We walked in, hiding inside a wardrobe that stood in front of the far wall. The door slammed open and all the teachers bustled in, looking worried.

"What happened?" Professor Sprout asked as soon as Minnie opened the door.

"It's just as we feared. A student has been taken by the monster, right into the chamber itself." McGonagall answered, looking saddened. Professor Flitwick gave a small squeak, falling off of his chair.

"Who was it?" Snape asked.

"Ginny Weasley." Minnie told them all. I looked at Ron. He had gone extremely green, and he slid silently down the side of the wardrobe. "We will have to send the students home." Minnie said.

"So sorry, I dozed off. What have I missed?" Lockhart said, walking into the room, a smile on his face like usual and clearly not noticing that his colleagues were looking at him with something that looked remarkably like hatred. I'd look at him like that too.

"Just the man." Snape sneered. "The very man. A girl has been snatched by the monster and taken to the chamber. This is your time to shine."

"Wha-?" Lockhart blanched.

"Yes, didn't you tell me you knew what was inside it?" Flitwick squeaked.

"D-did I? I don't recall-"

"Why, I though you said you knew where the Chamber was all along." Sprout butted in.

"I- I really don't think - "

"Weren't you saying a few days ago how you wished you could have a crack at the monster before Hagrid was sentenced?" Snape asked.

"Perfect. Gilderoy, you will go and save the girl." McGonagall told him, looking at him through silted eyes.

"Oh, um, yes! Of course! Just - just let me go and um, prepare." Lockhart stuttered. Seriously, they're putting this idiot on the job? And I though they had sense!

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