Book Three: Chapter 1

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The sound that resonated from the cell was something that would have driven chills down anyone's spine, well any sane person's that is. But this woman was on the brink of madness, practically too far gone to be saved. Lizzie was the woman's name...Lizzie Alric, a once beautiful, smart, happy girl who didn't have a care in the world except a fierce protectiveness for her friends and family...and that's what got her thrown in Azkaban.


Rose was lying on her bed in her Bandit form, thinking. Her birthday was soon, a couple of days until her birthday actually. Rose sighed boredly, whining as she fidgeted. It was too hot outside as England had just been hit with a rather hefty heat wave, and everyone had left on some 'Secret Mission' that Rose suspected was buying presents. Suddenly Rose had a brilliant idea, prank Cathy! Cathryn, Rose's cousin had been pranking her non-stop this summer and now it was pay back time! Changing back into her human form and grinning evilly Rose crept to her chest where she had all of her pranking equipment and grabbed some Dung Bombs, trip wire and just a bunch of different things. 'Hehe...Cathy's gonna regret putting that pop up fist in my bathroom cabinet!'

After about half an hour the prank had been set up and readied, with everything hidden expertly and delicately. "Good luck, Cathy," Rose whispered mischievously, backing slowly out of the room and softly shutting the door.


"Rose!" a voice called from downstairs, startling the teenager who yelped and fell off her bed, groaning dramatically as she lay on the floor. Said teenager heard the pounding of feet until her father, uncle and boyfriend appeared before her door, worried looks on their faces.

"Princess, what happened?" Sirius asked, walking over and pulling Rose up and into a hug.

"Nothing, dad. You all just startled me, that's all!" Rose giggled, pulling away from her dad to hug Uncle Moony.

"Hello, Rose," Harry said as she pulled away from Remus and hugged Harry.

"Hi, Harry. Where's Cathy?" Rose asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She went to put things in her room-" Sirius was cut off by a loud shriek that came from Cathy's room. Everyone ran to Cathy's room, wands pulled and at the ready when Sirius opened the door, only to find Cathy's room had been turned all pink instead of black, she herself was covered from head to toe in goo and silly string, and a pop out fist was bouncing back in forth in her closet. Everyone besides Rose stood in shock whilst Rose tried to hold in her laughter, putting a hand over her mouth.

"Rose Jane Black I will have your head!" Cathryn yelled, clenching her fists as her hair turned a dark shade of red. "Come here, cousin," Cathryn smirked evilly, opening her arms for a hug. Rose's eyes widened and she let out a small squeak before shifting into her Bandit form and sprinting away and out the door they had forgotten to close. Shouts could be heard from behind her and distant chattering and the sound of hooves and barking could be made out as well. Internally smirking, Rose jumped over a small stream and hid in a small cave that wasn't too far away from said stream.

"Rose!" Sirius's voice was heard from near by and Rose sank further into the cave, hoping her white snout wouldn't be seen in the shadows. "Rose I won't give you away~" Rolling her eyes, Rose slowly crept to the entrance and poked her head out, immediately spotting Cathy standing on one of the rocks in the stream. Chuckling, Rose went back to her spot in the cave.


"Hurry up everyone, we'll be late to meeting the Weasley's and you know how mad Molly gets when we're late!" Sirius pushed, allowing them all to grab onto him as he apparated to the Leaky Cauldron where they were going to meet the rowdy bunch and go shopping for books. Slightly unsteady, Rose, Harry and Cathryn made their way inside, smirking as they heard Ron and Hermione bickering about something or another.

"What are you two on about?" Rose asked them as they sat down our luggage and walked towards them. Hermione and Ron turned simultaneously to look at them, both looking slightly startled.

"Rose! Harry! Cathryn!" Hermione exclaimed, walking over to them whilst she stroked a large, orange cat that lay in her arms.

"So you guys went to Egypt? What did you see?" Rose asked, sitting between Ron and Harry.

"Oh you would have loved it! Ancient tombs and mummies. 'Course we had a curse breaker with us though," Ron shrugged, taking a bite of a roll from a small bowl in the center of the table and readying to continue when the news paper he was showing the other four was taken away.

"I though Dad told you to stop flaunting this around, little brother," two identical voices chirped.

"I wasn't showing it to anyone," Ron grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Oh yeah, sure. Just the-"


"The cleaning lady-"

"And anyone who would bloody listen," Fred and George both smirked, patting Harry and Rose's heads as they passed.

"Freddy!" Cathryn squealed, jumping from her seat to give him a hug.

"Hello, love," Fred winked. Rose made an indiscreet gagging gesture to Harry and Ron who both sniggered, using coughs to cover them up.

"You have no right to gag, cousin. You and Harry try and be cute all the time!" Cathryn grinned, leaning her head on Fred's chest, giggling when he kissed her head and squeezed her sides.

"But cousin dearest, we don't try to be cute. We're just naturally cute," Rose smirked, standing up and walking up to Cathryn, her arms crossed.

"Um, love, not the time," Harry said in an urgent sounding sing song voice, going over and grabbing her hand as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley made their way over to them. All four eyes widened as Mrs. Weasley's steps became quicker when she saw what was going on, and all four began fake laughing at some pretend joke Fred had made.

"That was hilarious, Freddy!" Cathryn exclaimed, letting out small giggles every now and then so that Mrs. Weasley would buy it.

"Hello, you four. Cathryn, Harry, Rose! I'm glad to see you got here safely. Now where is Sirius?" Mrs. Weasley asked, giving them a suspicious once-over before leaving to find Sirius. All four gave sighs of relief, and began high giving each other.  

"But we're still cuter~!" Rose sang as she skipped away, humming a tune she had grown rather fond of. Harry laughed and shook his head at her, his eyes softening as he watched her talk with Hermione.

"Aw, Potter's whipped! Look at that face, Georgie,"

"You got that right, Freddy," Turning, Harry glared at the two of them before walking away to join his friends.

Another year here we come!



Also, apologies. Said I would get this out tomorrow, but I stayed up all night watching Harry Potter with my aunt and went to bed after, didn't wake up till around eleven this morning and ever since I've been helping with my brother or watching the new episode of Sherlock

Sherlock is good btw you should watch it it's on Netflix

Anyway, I hope you will all stick around and enjoy a new year and a new adventure with Rose! See you in the next chapter! And as always,

Bye my fluffies! Peace!

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