Book 2: Chapter 16

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Harry and I walked up to the castle, hand in hand. I giggled, swinging our hands back and forth. We reached the door and saw everyone, including Fred, George, and Ginny, standing there. They all smirked, eyeing us. "Sooooo, are you two together? Officially?" Cathy asked. I blushed, nodding. Mione and Ginny squealed, laughing. "But just so you know Potter," Cathy began, making Ginny and Mione become serious and stand beside her.
"If you hurt her," Mione continued,
"We will hurt you." Ginny finished, smiling.
"I wouldn't plan on it, never." Harry assured them. We all laughed, walking inside and towards DADA. We arrived, after saying goodbye to Fred, George, and Ginny, and sat in the back. Harry and I sat beside each other, Cathy sat in the middle, and Ron and Hermione sat on the other side. We were all conversing when Lockhart entered the room, smiling at the class.
"Hello, meet your new Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher, me." He smiled again. "Now, I think we should start off with going over some review, so I have a little quiz for you to take." He stopped, and began passing out the papers. A paper landed in front of Harry and I. I opened it up, looking over the questions.

What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

Wait, what!!!!???? What kind of question is this? I raised my hand, gathering the attention of Lockhart. "Ms. Black?" He called, raising an eyebrow.
"Sir, these questions have nothing to do with DADA, there all about you." I said, putting my hand down. A murmur of agreement filled most of the room, some of the girls had already started their quizzes. Lockharts smile faded a little.
"Well of course they are, they are about the greatest person to battle the Dark Arts." Lockhart said, his smile coming back.
"Well, sir, you must be mistaken. The greatest person to battle the Dark Arts would be Dumbledore." I replied, trying to keep my calm. Harry grabbed my hand, squeezing it a bit to calm me down.
"Yes, yes, Dumbledore is a very great wizard no doubt about it. Um, just, finish your test, would you?" Lockhart said uncertainly. I rolled my eyes, going through the questions and circling random answers. After about fifteen minutes everyone was finished and Lockhart gathered them all up. "Tsk, tsk, hardly any of you remembered my favorite color was Lilac! And a few of you need to read wonderings with werewolves more clearly---I clearly state in chapter 12 that my ideal birthday gift would be harmony between magic and non-magical peoples-though I wouldn't say no to a large bottle of Ogden's Old Firewhiskey." Lockhart winked near the end, making me roll my eyes. How vain can someone get!?
        "But Miss Granger, well, it looks like she got full marks! Were is Ms. Granger?" Lockhart asked. Hermione raised a trembling hand. "Ah, yes! Take ten points for Gryffindor!" Lockhart beamed. Mione's face flushed, slowly putting her hand down.
        "How long do you think he'll last without getting pranked?" I whispered to Harry, leaning on him slightly.
         "Well, knowing Fred and George, probably by tonight." Harry chuckled, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me closer. I giggled a bit, nodding to show I agreed.
        "Now! Down to business!" Lockhart started. He bent down, and pulled out a large cage from under his desk. It was covered in a thin purple blanket, and you could hear a strange rattling inside it. "Be warned, it is my job as your teacher to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizard kind! You may find yourself facing your worst fears in this room." Lockhart said. Harry and I became interested, watching curiously.
      "Now, I must ask you not to scream, it might provoke them!" He pulled the blanket off to reveal what was inside. There were about twenty Cornish Pixies flying around in the cage. They were small, and a purple color. Their eyes looked around widely.
        "Cornish Pixies?" Seamus snorted. He couldn't contain himself and fell to the floor laughing. The rest of the class joined him.
        "Laugh now, Mr. Finnigan but these things are devilish and tricky little blighters." He said, smiling annoyingly at us. "And, now let's see what you make of them!!" Lockhart yelled, using a spell to open the cage.

Long story short, Lockhart couldn't get the pixies to go back in there cage leaving Mione, Cathy, Ron, Harry and I to wrangle them up. I huffed in annoyance as I pulled another piece of paper from my curly hair. "I'm telling you, he's a fraud." I grumbled. Harry laughed, grabbing my hand.
"Yes, he is love. But I think we can all see that on our own." Harry told me, making me laugh a bit.

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