Book 2: Chapter 23

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"So the chambers been opened before?" Ron asked. We were all sat in Myrtle's bathroom in the stall with the ployjuice potion.
"According to Dobby, yes." Harry answered.
"But who at Hogwarts would do such a thing?" Hermione asked, sprinkling something into the potion.
       "Lucious Malfoy?" Cathy suggested, squirming because she wasn't comfortable. "I mean, it makes sense doesn't it? Malfoy Sr. opened the chamber while he was at Hogwarts, then he told ferret face about it and how to access it." Cathy explained, shrugging.
        "That's exactly why we're doing this isn't it? We want to see if Malfoy really is the heir." I said, handing Hermione some more ingredients.
        "Suppose so." Ron shrugged, rubbing his nose.
        "There's more," Harry started. "Colin Creevy, he's been-"
        "Attacked. Yes, we heard McGonagall and Flitwick talking about it." I told him.
        "I don't understand how it's getting around though," Mione said, looking up from the potion. "I mean, it's got to be at least Rose's size, wouldn't someone notice it? Maybe it can go invisible...." Hermione wondered.
        "Or maybe, it can climb on the ceiling, Hermione." Ron mocked. Mione flushed, glaring at him.
         "Well Ronald, if you must know that is perfectly possible." Hermione snapped. "Now, we need to let it sit for a couple weeks. Then it will be ready." Mione told us, standing up and dusting off. We all walked out, Cathy checking if the coast was clear first. We quickly made it to the Common Room were everyone were gathered under the notice bored. Cathy and I shoved ourselves to the front, reading the notice,

  Due to certain circumstances the staff             
       has decided to start a dueling club.
  The first meeting will be tonight in the Great Hall.

        "Wow! A dueling club!? Reckon we should go?" I asked when we got back to the group.
        "Could be useful...." Mione nodded. Ron nodded enthusiastically as well.
        "I'm in! Maybe I could hex Malfoy..." Cathy said dreamily.
        "Harry? What do you say?" I asked. He looked reluctant but nodded.
        "On one condition, you have to be my partner." Harry said, staring at me intensely. I shared a look with Cathy before nodding.
        "Mind if we borrow this one?" Fred, George, and Lee Jordan asked, popping up out of no where.
        "No!" I said, stepping in front of her defiantly. "Over my dead body!"
        "Nah, I'd rather not go to Azkaban. We'll just take her." Fred shrugged, lifting me up, sitting me beside Harry and picking up a giggling Cathy.
       "Noooooooooooooo!" I laughed, dragging out the 'o'. "That's not fair." I pouted.
       "Remember what I said, love? Your shortness is adorable." Harry told me, giving me a quick peck on the lips. I smiled, hugging him.
        "That's why I love you." I whispered.
         "I love you too."

         At about 5:00 we started down to the Great Hall. When we arrived the usual long tables were no were to be found and instead a large stage thing sat in the middle. About 50 kids were there already, and more just kept coming. "I wonder who the teacher will be?" Ron said, craning his neck to see over some kids in front of us.
"Maybe it'll be Flitwick! I heard he was a champion dueler in his prime." Mione said.
"Just as long as it's not-" I was cut off mid sentence by a bunch of squealing girls.
"Lockhart." Cathy and I groaned.

"I'm not hexing you!"
"Well, I'm not hexing you either!"
"Yes you will! Now hex me!"
"No!" I said defiantly. Harry glared at me before Snape came over with Lockhart.
"And what are you two doing?" Snape sneered.
"Practicing, Professor." I answered calmly.
"Really? Because to me, Ms. Black, it seems you are being nothing more than your lazy selves. How much like you fathers you both are surprises me." Snape said. My hands clench and I was about to retort when Harry clamped a hand over my mouth, and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Maybe we should help you practice? Up on the stage." He demanded. He then walked over to pug-face-Parkinson and Ferret face. Harry and I slowly walked on stage, while everyone stared at us. Cathy looked murderous, staring at Snape with the utmost loathing. Guess she heard.
Malfoy and Pugface walked up on stage, smirking. "Now! Um, as some of you may know there is some proper dueling things we must get straight. So, hold your wand at your side." We did as told. "Walk forward, hold your wand in front of your face, and bow." We did as told again, both of us glaring at our opponents.
"Scared you two?" Malfoy and Parkinson smirked.
"You wish." We both hissed, dropping our wands back to our sides and walking away.
"On the count of three I want you to disarm your opponent, only disarm! One...two....-" Before Lockhart finished counting Malfoy and Parkinson both shot spells at Harry and I. We both flew backward before getting up again and shouting, 'Rictusempra'. They both fell to the ground laughing. Snape growled before lifting the jinx and pulling them up by their robes. He whispered something into their ears, making nasty smirks appear on both faces.
        Harry and I shared looks, preparing ourselves but before anybody could react they both shouted, 'Serpensortia!' Two large black snakes appeared in front of us, hissing. There were many gasps and someone in the back let out a small scream. Lockhart tried getting rid of it but the spell only made the snake angrier. Both snakes stared towards Justin Finch-Fletchley.
        "No!" Harry and I yelled. Both snakes turned to us. "Leave him alone." We demanded. The snakes started towards us but Snape killed them. Everyone sat in silence, staring at Harry and I.
        "What are you playing at!?" Justin finally yelled. Confused Harry and I opened our mouths to ask what he was talking about but Lockhart dismissed us. Everyone rushed to leave, stealing scared looks at Harry and I. Cathy ran up and dragged us off the stage. Running into an abandoned class room, she shut and locked the door. Mione and Ron were in there, talking quietly.

        It was a while after the incident. Harry and I were both so confused. Why were we Parstlemouths? We had no Slytherin blood, so why? I suddenly felt myself bump into something and looking up I saw Hagrid. We all three, (Harry, Hagrid, and I) had a small chat in which Hagrid told us about how his roosters had been dying mysteriously. Afterwards we rounded a corner only to see Nearly Headless Nick and Justin in the hallway. Nick was floating very, very still, and Justin was laying on the ground, petrified.

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