Book One: Chapter 7

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After everyone was finished with dinner Percy led us up to the common room, warning us about the stairs along the way. "Caput Draconus." said Percy. The painting of a rather large lady opened the door and we stepped in. "Boy's dormitory up the stairs and to the left girls the same on your right. You will find all your things have been brought up there." Mionie and I made our way up to our dormitories. There was no one else there so Mionie and I started talking.

"Ok, hmmm truth or dare?" Asked Mionie.

"Truth. I'm a wuss." Mionie laughed and smirked.

"Do you like Harry?" Mione asked, eyes showing a hint of mischief.

"Yes!" I said bluntly. Her eyes got wide,

"You seem so calm about it." She exclaimed.

"Eh it's not like I'm in love with him! It's probably some stupid school crush." I said. I didn't want that sentence to be true but I already said it. "I'm going to bed." She nodded. I laid back and fell asleep.

*Time skip*

The next morning Mionie and I got up extra early for breakfast. "Come on Mionie I don't want to be late for class!" I whined,she had just finished her food and was standing up.

"Ok, ok I'm coming!" She said giggling. I giggled myself. We linked arms and skipped out of the hall. Successfully knocking over Malfoy I laughed and he flipped me the bird. Ha, two can play that game. I wished for his pant to fall down and they did. I smirked and kept on walking. We walked into transfiguration, and sat down.

"Miss. Granger, and Miss. Black, what are you doing here so early?" Asked Professer Minnie. I shrugged.

"We didn't want to be late because we got lost, so we came early." I answered. She nodded in understanding. Soon students started piling in and Proffesser Minnie had us take notes.

She turned into a cat and sat on the desk, like she was waiting for something. A couple minutes later, Ron and Harry burst through the door. "Bloody Hell mate." Said Ron. Me Mionie rolled our eyes. "Lucky McGonnagall's not here, could you imagine her face?" Just as Ron said that, Minnie transformed into her normal form. "Wicked!" Ron breathed. Harry stared wide eyed, confused as to how she did that, but was impressed non-the less. Mione and I exchanged a glance and turned back to the show.

"Thank you mister Weasly for that outstanding compliment. Maybe I could transfigured you or mister Potter into a pocket watch? That way maybe of you will be on time." She snapped.

"We got lost." said Harry speaking for the first time.

"Well perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats." Said Minnie. They nodded and sat behind us. Mionie and I continued our notes, giggling a bit.

After transfiguration we headed for the dungeons for potions. We were all talking when Snape came in. "There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations, in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle silence and exact art of this potion making, however for those select few..." He said looking directly at a smug looking Malfoy. " Who posses the predicpacition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind, and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, Brue glory, and even put a stopper in death." He paused looking around the room. "Then again, apparently some of you." He said looking at Harry and I. "Have come to Hogwarts in potation of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not. pay. attention!" He snapped, heading towards Harry and I's desk were we were taking notes. "Mr. Potter, and Ms. Black, our new celebrities. Tell me Ms. Black, what would I get if I added powered root of asphedel to an infusion of worm wood?" He asked me, Mionie raised her hand, jumping up and down in her chair. I smiled sweetly, glaring at him a bit.

"You would get a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the draught of living death." I stated. He glared at me, then turned to Harry.

"And you Mr. Potter, were would you look if I asked you to find a beozar?" He asked, Hermionies hand shot up again, and I rolled my eyes.

"I-I don't know sir..." Then he turned to me again.

"What is the difference between monks wood and wolfsbane?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes and said flatly,

"I don't know sir." Even though I knew the answer, word for word.

"Pity. Clearly fame isn't everything, is it?" He sneered.

Well Hermione knows!" I spat back. "Seems a pity not to ask her!" I growled, glaring daggers. He flinched a bit but returned his composure as soon as it was gone. Everyone started laughing.

"SILENCE!" Yelled Snape. Everyone got quite, and turned to me. He glared at me and turned around. He came over to Harry and I's desk pulled up a chair and sat infront of us. "Put you hand down, you silly girl." He snapped at Hermione. "For your information, Black, and Potter. A beozar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat!"" he said looking at Harry. "And Ms. Black, as for the difference between monks wood and wolfs bane, they are the same plant, that also goes by the name of achemite!" He said annoyance, and disgust evident in his voice. "Well, why aren't you all copying this down!" He spat sending me one more cold glare. Everyone but me rushed to it mostly because my parchment had caught on fire.

I stared in shock. Water started coming out of my hand and put out the fire. Afterwards, a light gust of wind came and dryed it. Snape's eyes did everyone elses. I was freaking out and a light snow started coming down, and was getting harder and harder by the minute because I was embarrassed. "Ms. Black, please go to Dumbledore's office. NOW!!" He yelled, to which I nodded. Harry and I stood up, getting ready to leave. "Were are you going Potter!?" He sneered.

"I'm going with her, it's evident you don't like me so what does it matter!" Spat Harry. We walked out before he could say anything.

We walked in silence. So I started up a conversation about Snape being a hooked nosed git! We talked about our lives and how this was the weirdest thing that had ever happened.

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