Book 2: Chapter 14

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We all hurried to Transfiguration, laughing and talking. We walked in and sat in the back like all ways, and waited for Minnie. The class slowly came in, the last two followed by Minnie. "Hello everyone, and welcome back." Minnie said making her way to the front of the class room. "Since it is the first day, we will review what you did last year and see if you have improved. Then at the end of the lesson, I want you all to turn in your homework that you did over the summer." Minnie told us, scanning the room. "Now-"

        "What have we got next?" Ron asked Harry as we left Transfiguration.
        "Double Herbology with the Hufflepuffs." Harry said, checking his schedule.
        "I wonder what we are going to do!" Cathy wondered. She was still excited because she was here, meaning that the millions of opportunities for pranking hadn't settled in yet.
        "Probably potting plants or something!" I shrugged, walking down the hill and towards the green houses with everyone. Mione nodded, showing that she agreed with me. We got to the green house to see Lockhart coming out the door with Professor Sprout.
         "Now I am guessing that the Fanged Geranium will be in top shape in just a few days! I have tackled many plants like these in my journeys!" Lockhart said boastingly, grinning stupidly. Cathy, Ron, Harry, and I shared annoyed looks, rolling our eyes. "Ah, kids! Nothing to worry about, just giving Professor Sprout a few tips on healing one of her plants! Quite simple really!" Lockhart said, chuckling. Professor Spout was grinning, but it was the fakest smile I had ever seen. Then again, Lockharts so fake that he can't tell the difference.
"I'd love for you to stay and chat, Gilderoy, but I have a class to teach!" Professor Sprout said. "Go on in!" She ushered us inside. Harry and I were about to walk in when a hand flew out in front of us.
"Harry! Rose!" Lockhart said cheerfully. "May I borrow them for a moment?" He asked Professor Sprout. She nodded, annoyed. Harry and I shared panicked looks and looked after our friends desperately. They stared at us sadly, before walking in the green house.
"Their a lot of help." I mumbled to Harry, following Lockhart.
"There wasn't much they could do." Harry sighed, grabbing my hand.
"Harry, Rose," he chuckled, standing in front of us. "I know how you feel. Once you get a taste of fame you can't really help but want more, but coming into school late is not the way to go." He chuckled. Harry and I shared dumbfounded looks. Is this guy serious? I think he has a mental disorder or something.
"No sir, you don't understa-" Harry tried to explain but Lockhart cut him off.
"Oh, Harry you don't have to make up lies to cover up what you really did." He said, putting his hands on Harry's shoulders.
"No! Please sir, we were only-"
"And Rose! You don't have to make up ridiculous storys to impress people! Why, it is my fault that you are this way! You are simply to young to know any better! Once you taste fame it's the only thing that really matters." He chuckled. "Now go to class! I don't want anymore shenanigans like you pulled yesterday, understood?" Lockhart grinned. Harry and I nodded wordlessly, turned around and left.
"Is he serious?" I asked Harry.
"I think so." Harry answered, opening the door to the green house. I let go of Harry's hand just in time, and we walked in. I sat in between Cathy and Mione while Harry sat next to Ron. There were about 20-25 pairs of ear muffs laying in a pile on the table in front of us.
"Today we will be repotting Mandrakes!" Professor Sprout announced. "Now, can anybody tell me the properties of a Mandrake?" Professor Sprout asked. Hermione's hand shot up, almost hitting me in the face.
"Hey!" I snapped.
"Mandrake, or Mandragora, is a powerful restorative," Mione said confidently, her usual textbooky self shining through, "it is used to return people who have been transfigured or cursed to their original state." Mione finished, putting her hand down more slowly so she didn't hit me.
"Excellent! Ten points to Gryffindor!" Mione beamed. "The Mandrake forms an essential part of most antidotes. It is also, however, dangerous. Who can tell me why?" Professor Sprout asked.
Mione's hand shot up again. "The cry of a Mandrake is fatal to anyone who hears it." Mione said.
"Precisely. Take another ten points for Gryffindor." Mione beamed again. "Now the Mandrakes that we have here are very young, so their cry won't kill you yet." She said, pointing to some black trays in front of the ear muffs. "Everyone, ear muffs on please!" Professor Sprout said. There was a flurry of movement as everyone tried grabbing the fluffy brown pairs and not the fluffy pink ones. We grabbed our own sets, and put them on. Professor Sprout put her own pink fluffy ear muffs on and grasped the top of a Mandrake. Harry and I shared confused looks, before looking back at Sprout. She glanced up, before pulling very hard on the plant. There, hanging from a few leaves that was atop its head, was a very ugly, brown baby. I grabbed my ear muffs as the thing began to screech. We could hear a faint thump and looked down at the ground to see Neville had fainted.
"Oh, um, he'll be fine!" Sprout yelled. She quickly potted the plant, put dirt in, and motioned for us to take our ear muffs off. We all did as de said, setting them down. "Alright, I want you all to group up! No more than 6 to a group!"

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