Book 2: Chapter 28

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That night Ron, Harry, and I sat in the Common Room. "What do you suppose happened to Hermione? And Cath?" Ron asked in an undertone to Harry and I.

"No idea." Harry shrugged, keeping his eyes on the fire, as if contemplating something. "I need to tell you two something..." Harry said, leaning in so that only we could hear him. "Last night I wrote in the diary. The ink disappeared, and then new writing appeared. It was Riddle." Harry told us, watching our reactions.

"Riddle? But how-" Harry cut me off.

"He told me that he was a memory. Preserved in a diary for over 50 years. And there's another problem..." Harry trailed off.

"What is it, mate?" Ron asked.

"I know why Hagrid was expelled. In his third year." Harry whispered.


"Hagrid open up!" We all yelled, rapping on the door. The door slowly opened, and there stood Hagrid with a cross bow pointed at us.

"Oh, it's just ye lot. Come in, come in." Hagrid said, lowering the weapon.

"Uh, what with the bloody cross bow!?" Ron asked, looking at Hagrid skeptically.

"Nothin' I was just expectin' mind." Hagrid stuttered. "Tea?" He asked, grabbing a pot of tea. His hands shook, and he quickly over flowed the cup.

"Here, I've got it Hagrid..." I said, grabbing the pot from his hands while the boys sat him down.

"Are you alright, Hagrid? Did you hear about Cath and Hermione?" Harry asked, casting me a worried glance.

"Oh, I heard all righ'" Hagrid said lowly. I sat down some fruit cakes and the mugs of juice onto the table. Hagrid reached towards the plate, and picked up a fruit cake. "Sad, ain't it?" Hagrid said, about to take a bite. There was a knock on the door. Hagrid dropped his cake, and ushered us toward the corner. "The cloak!" Hagrid whispered urgently as the knocking became louder and faster. "Jus' a minute!" He yelled, making sure we were all out of sight before opening the door. "Minister!" Hagrid said.

"Hagrid." Fudge said, stepping inside. Dumbledore followed him, wearing a very serious expression. "Bad news I'm afraid, Hagrid. Very bad news indeed." Ha, you don't sound or look sincere at all. You, Fudge, are a very bad liar.

"Minister, I assure you, this is not necessary-" Dumbledore started.

"Dumbledore, I am very aware of your confidence in him. But his record isn't the most convincing. And besides, the Ministry has to act. Four attacks on muggle borns. This has gone far enough..."

"I never..." Hagrid said, shocked. "Professor Dumbledore, sir. You know I would never-"

"I know this Hagrid, but I have no power over the Ministry." Dumbledore sighed. "But surely you don't suspect Hagrid, Fudge? Has Hagrid ever attacked children before?" Dumbledore said, frowning at the Minister, almost as if seeing him in a new light.

"Dumbledore you know perfectly well why we suspect Hagrid. We've got to take him."

"Take me!? Take me were!? Not ter Azkaban!?" Hagrid shouted, looking frightened. I winced, nobody deserves that unless they've actually done something bad. And I have a feeling Hagrid's innocent.

"It's just a short sentence, that's all." Fudge said, not meeting Hagrid's eyes. "You'll be back in no time." Before anyone could respond there was another loud rap on the door. Lucius Malfoy walked in, his sleek blonde hair in a ponytail, and his black cloak trailing behind him. I growled, clenching my fist around my wand.

"Rose..." Harry whispered, his tone telling me to be quiet.

"Ah, Fudge you're already here. Excellent." Malfoy senior said, his cold grey eyes like slits.

"What are ye doin' 'ere!" Hagrid bellowed. "Get outter my house!"

"Believe me, I do not wish to be within call this a house?" Malfoy asked, looking around the room. "I was simply in need of a chat with the Headmaster."

"And what is it that you need me for, Lucius?" Dumbledore asked calmly, clasping his hands together.

"Dreadful thing, Dumbledore." Malfoy said lazily, pulling out a roll of parchment. "But, the governors and I have decided it's time for you to step aside - This is an Order of Suspension. You will find all twelve signatures on it. I'm afraid we feel you are losing your touch. How many attacks have there been? Two this afternoon, wasn't it? At this rate there will be no more Muggle-borns left in the school. And we all know what a loss that would be." Malfoy sneered, handing over the parchment. No! They can't take away Dumbledore! Everyone's in way more danger then!

--------Skipping cause I don't feel like writing the stuff about the spiders---------

"Follow the spiders? What does that mean?" Ron asked once the Minister, Malfoy, Dumbledore, and Hagrid had left.

"There!" I said, pointing towards the window. A trail of small spiders were going outside. I grabbed a lantern from the hook in Hagrid's house and went outside. I quickly found the trail of spiders. It led into the forbidden forest...

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