Book 2: Chapter 32 Part 1

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I slid for what seems to be forever down the slimy and damp pipes, the air rushing past me as if we were racing. I kept in my yells as I speed through the tunnels, eventually falling off the end of the pipe and onto what seemed to be bones. "Ah!" I heard someone scream, probably Ron. "Rose? What are you doing down here?" Ron asked, helping me stand.

"I couldn't just let you two have all the fun." I winked, dusting myself off. "Where's Harry?" I asked, my concern growing as I didn't see him.

"Right. Well, Lockhart tried casting a memory charm on us, but the wand backfired and he hit the wall. He caused a cave-in and now we're stuck." Ron sighed, looking over at Lockhart who appeared to be sleeping, propped up against the wall.

"Wow. You two seriously are thick. Well, Harry is, anyway." (Not in a dirty way!) I sighed, pulling out my wand. "Seriously, we just learned this spell last year." I rolled my eyes. Stepping towards the rock pile.

"Well, sorry that my wand doesn't work." Ron snapped.

"Wingardium Leviosa." I said softly, doing the swish-and-flick motion. One by one I managed to make a wide enough path for all of us. "I'm going. Stay here with Lockhart." I told him sternly before running off, my school robes flying behind me. I quickly came upon a door with a snake around it, and it's head seem to move to look at me. "Open." I whispered, hoping it had been in parstletounge. Luckily it was and the snake started to slither around the door, zigzagging back and forth as a snake would.

Once the door was open I crept into the room, trying to keep quiet as I neared two voices, both which I recognized. "She's still alive." The voice from my dream said slowly. "But only just."

"Are you a ghost?" I heard Harry ask, and it took all I had in me not to laugh.

"A memory. Preserved in a diary for fifty years." The boy answered, and I could hear his shoes click against the floor.

"Tom, you've got to help me...there's a basilisk...I don't know where...but we've got to get out of here." Harry said hurriedly. I didn't hear anything for the next few minutes before Harry said quietly,
"Did you see-?" Harry cut himself off, as braced for something bad to happen. See what? "Thanks." Was all he said a few seconds later.

In confusion I looked around the pillar I was hiding behind to see Harry, Ginny, and Tom. Ginny lay sprawled across the floor, her bright red hair fanned out underneath her. Harry kneeled beside her, though his gaze was looking at Tom. Tom looked no older than sixteen, and in his hand he held...Harry's wand? This doesn't look good. Nope. Nope. Nope.

Tom wore a small smile, and he twirled the wand idly in his hand. "Tom, we've got to go. If the Basilisk comes-"

"It won't come until it's called." Tom said calmly, fixing Harry with a weird stare.

"What d'you mean? Look, give me my wand Tom, I might need it." Harry said exasperatedly, holding out his hand.

"You won't be needing it." Riddle said, and the small smile he had worn a few seconds ago was now a broad grin.

"What? Of course I'll be needing it. We're in the Chamber of Secrets." Harry told him as if it weren't obvious.

"I've been waiting for this for a long time, Harry Potter. Of course, this little meeting would have been better if you're little girlfriend was here." Riddle sneered, though it quickly went back to his grin.

"How, how did Ginny get like this?" Harry asked slowly, stepping back. I wanted to run out there and help him, but something was holding me back, so I stayed still.

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