Book 2: Chapter 22

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*Harry's Pov. Waat?*

Ron and I sat with Hermione in the common room waiting for the girls so we could go to the feast. Tomorrow was the first game of the season. I'm really nervous, but I'm sure we'll do fine. "Help!" A voice yelled from the girls dormitories. Hermione's eyes widened before dashing up the stairs, emerging seconds later struggling to carry someone. And that someone was Rose.
"Rose!" I yelled, running towards Hermione. I took Rose from her, and dashed towards the portrait hole. Ron pushed it open for me, and I sprinted out. I ran to the hospital wing, finally reaching it after a few minutes. Hermione opened that door and Cath shouted 'Help!'
"What's going on out here?" Madam Pomfrey asked, fast walking out of her office. "Oh dear!" She gasped when she saw Rose. "Lay her here!" She told me before bustling over to a cabinet. I laid her down, and then sat on the bed beside her holding her hand.
"What happened?" Ron asked.
"I don't know exactly, she fell asleep while waiting for me and I came out and she was thrashing and mumbling in her sleep. I woke her up, and helped her stand but before she could walk she cried out. She put a hand on her scar and she slowly fell unconscious." Cath said in a rush between sobs. Pomfrey rushed over before shoving something down her throat. Rose chocked before her eyes snapped open. Her hair was a dark black right now, meaning that she was angry. But what for?
"Rose? Love?" I asked softly, rubbing the back of her hand soothingly. Rose's eyes snapped to mine and her glare and black hair slowly faded away. Her hair returned to being brown again and she sat up quickly.
"Harry!" She whimpered. I hugged her, stroking her hair.
"Shh, love. It's okay. Your safe." I told her. She sighed, nodding. She pulled away, wiping her eyes furiously.
"I shouldn't be crying." She grumbled to herself angrily. "Besides, there's nothing to cry about."
"Rose, it's perfectly okay to cry. But if your aloud I say we go to the feast. You need your strength for tomorrow." I told her, smiling slightly. Sighing she nodded and got out of bed.
"Black, I want you in here tomorrow during breakfast to check on you, is that clear?" Pomfrey asked.

*Rose's POV*

"As ice!" I yelled, trying to sound cheerful. I'm not scared of my dream, but I'm confused. When I fell unconscious the second time I saw the same boy talking to a giant snake. They were in the same chamber and just, ugh! It's so confusing! Anyway, back to reality....
"Rose, what happened?" Harry asked, standing beside me as we walked to the feast. I told him everything I can remember, and afterwards he was shocked. We discussed it with everyone, finally making it to the feast. Quietly as possible we walked in but luck wasn't on our side because Colin Creevy came running up to us.
"Rose! Harry! Can I have a picture!?" He yelled, waving his camera around wildly.
"Er----sorry Colin, but---er---we just wanna go and eat so if you'll excuse us..." Harry said awkwardly. Everybody was staring at us, each of their gazes landing on Harry and I longer than anyone else.

"Go, go Gryffindor! Go, go, Gryffindor!" The cheering that I was used to rang throughout the stadium. Wood had finished giving us a big speech and now we stood on the field. The Slytherin captain and Wood shook hands, both looking like they were trying to brake each others hands.
"On my whistle!" Madam Hooch yelled over the crowd. "One...two...three!" She blew her whistle causing a great uproar in the crowd. We all took off into the sky. I immediately got possession of the Quaffle, flying towards the goal posts. I faked a pass to Cathy, making all the other chasers go after her. I flew faster, reaching the goal. I threw the Quaffle, succeeding in getting it passed the keeper.
        "First score made by Black! Ten points to Gryffindor! Course Blacks always been an excellent player, no doubt about that! She's also been in a relationship with Potter--sorry Professor." Lee Jordan stopped, coughing awkwardly. I rolled my eyes, but smiled. I looked up expecting to see Harry flying gracefully but instead he was twirling and spinning, trying to outrun a bluger.
        "Training for the ballet, Potter?" I heard Malfoy laugh. I glared at him and was about to go up there myself when I saw something gold flying over Malfoy's ear. Was it the snitch? Harry must have seen it to because he flew straight at Malfoy, his hand outstretched. Malfoy's face turned from confusion to fear to something I couldn't read. He streaked after Harry. I watched the bluger follow them before going back to the game. I stole the Quaffle from Flint, passed it to Angelina, and Cathy flew on one side of her while I flew on the other.
        I could hear the Slytherin chasers behind us, and I barley dodged a bluger from one of the beaters. I know Fred and George hit a bluger at them for that one as well. We reached the goal and Angelina threw it to Cathy. Cathy did a little flip thing before scoring. We scored two more times, Wood only let one or two in because he was celebrating one of our shots but it doesn't really matter. It's 90-30 right now, I think we have a good advantage. There was a sudden roar from the ground and I whipped around to see Harry on the ground holding the snitch. I cheered but then the bluger that was following him earlier started trying to smash him.
        "Harry!" I yelled, racing towards the ground. I touched down, pointed my wand at it and yelled " Finite Incantatem!" The bluger burst, but as I got closer I noticed Harry's arm hanging limply at a funny angle. "Harry, what happened?" I asked, trying to lift his arm into my lap carefully.
       "Bloody Bluger." He grumbled, wincing. Several people were on the pitch now, Lockhart being one of them. Let's just say that Lockhart can't fix a broken arm...

Hey guys! Nice long chapter for you all! I'm not very good at writing the Quidditch scenes so, um, sorry? Anyway, remember to vote, comment, and follow!

Bai Mah Fluffys! Peace!

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