Book 2: Chapter 1

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        "Harry James Potter!" I yelled, running out of my room.
"Yes?" He asked innocently.
"Don't you dare act innocent Potter! I know you did it!" I accused.
"Oh? And what exactly did I do then?" He asked, raising and eyebrow while smirking. Oh, how I wish I could knock the smirk of his face!
"You, and I'm assuming dad, shrunk all my clothes to the size of doll clothes!" I said, glaring at him. He shivered a bit, and his eyes flashed with worry. Good. "So, you either turn my clothes back to normal, or I won't let dad help you become a next gen Marauder!" I threatened. Harry and I had asked Dad and Moony if we could become the next Marauders, and they said yes! They were estatic!
Harry fake gasped, "You wouldn't!" He said, chuckling.
"Yes. I would." I said sternly.
"Nope! It's not gonna work!" Harry sang, leaning against the wall. Fine, I didn't want to but if this is how he is gonna act...I stepped in front of Harry, and gave him the puppy eyes.
"No! Not the puppy eyes!" Harry panicked. I just kept at it. I also did the thing (Okay, so imma just say this right now, I'm American so Rose is American because she can be. It doesn't make since but oh well. Sirius sounded American to me but he grew up in England soooo) were you look up under your eyelashes. It must have worked cause Harry's eyes softened even more.
"Fine..." Harry whined, taking dads wand from his pocket and going to my room.
"Ha! I knew you would fall for the eyes!" I cheered, going into my room. I quickly made sure there were no extra pranks, then checked the clothes, (which were back to normal size!) for any jinxes or curses.
"Happy?" Harry asked annoyed. I smiled, hugging him.
"Sure am!" I cheered again, kissing his cheek. I blushed when I realized what I did, and looked down. I felt a warm hand interlock with mine. Looking up, I saw that Harry had held my hand. I smiled, grabbing Harry's hand tighter.
"Come on! There's something I wanna show you!" Harry said, pulling me downstairs. I laughed, fixing my jacket when we reached the end of the stairs. (Pic at top)
"Hurry!" Harry urged, pulling me towards the kitchen.
"Harry..." I whined. I hated surprises, and I had a feeling this was one. Harry opened the door to the kitchen, we're all the lights were off. Confused, I looked around until I found the light switch. "Seriously Harry, why did you bring me into a pitch black kitchen!" I exclaimed, as I flipped the switch. I turned just in time to see everyone jump out of there hiding places, and yell 'Surprise!'
I jumped, holding a hand to my heart. "Happy birthday, princess!" Dad said, hugging me.
"Happy birthday, Rose." Uncle Lupin said, hugging me as well. There were a bunch of 'Happy Birthdays' said. What surprised me was Minnie and Dumbledore were here.
        "Hello Professors!" I said, smiling at them.
        "Hello, Ms. Black. Happy Birthday!" Dumbledore said. Minnie smiled, nodding at me. We all sat down and Mrs. Weasly brought in a cake, Hermione and Ginny helping her.
        "Ronald! Go help your mother!" I snapped, hitting his arm lightly. He groaned, but got up and took the place of Mione. "Mione!" I squealed, grabbing her in a hug.
         "Hey, Rosy!" Mione, laughed, hugging me back. She sat down beside me, giggling. We turned towards the cake to see Mrs. Weasly lighting it.
         "Make a wish!" Mrs. Weasly said. What can I wish for? I have everything that I would ever need. Great friends, a loving family. Oh, I know! Malfoy getting in big trouble this year! I blew out the candles, and smiled.
"What did you wish for?" Fred and George asked in unison.
"I can't tell you! If I did it won't come true!" I sang. Dad and Moony chuckled, shaking there heads.
After we all finished our cake a mountain of presents appeared before Harry and I. One pile sat in front of him, the other in front of me. "Guys...I can't take this!" Harry and I said. It's true. I hated when people spent money on me.
        "Oh, don't be silly dears! Now, go on open them up!" Mrs. Weasly urged. "Oh, and by the way dear, we know it's your birthday, but we wanted to give you and Harry's presents out the same day. That's okay dear, correct?" Mrs. Weasly asked again.
        "Of course Mrs. Weasly! I don't mind." I said sincerely. I got a lot of presents. From a  CD player and discs, to broom servicing kits, and a book of mischief. Harry also got me a beautiful necklace, with a multicolored gem in the middle. Harry got a broom servicing kit as well. He got a book of mischief and a few cards.
"Thank you!" Harry and I said.

Hey guys! So, I wanted to try writing this again! Now, bare with me I might not update all the time cause I'm also working on other books but I'll try to update whenever I can!! Bai Mah Fluffys! Peace!

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