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Look at this picture, what a lovely one :)

Btw Towards the end the story can possibly be triggering. I'm sorry in advance. You lovelies can always dm me if you wanna talk, I'm willing to listen. Love you.


Jack j Pov

We have been staring out the window for the past 3 hours and I will tell you that I may or may not have also been looking at Jacks ass when he would bend down... I mean like it's not my fault, if he doesn't want me to look than he shouldn't low ride around the openly gay boy. I haven't been really looking out the window directly either into the second hour I got lazy and laid down on my bed and ate chips... Yeah I get it; Jack you're a fat fuck I know and I am fucking embracing it bitches.  I giggle to myself when I notice Jack get really excited and starts jumping around pulling me off the bed.

"Look! A shooting star! Make a wish!"

He closed his eyes and I guess made a wish? I don't know, I did the same but we probably wished for completely different things. He probably wished for pussy or something and I wished for him...

Jack G Pov

I bet you're wondering what I wished for... Well if you must know it was to accepted by my friends and family. Like I don't understand why they don't like gays. Gay people are cool, not including myself. Johnson laughs and walks to his door before turning around.

"Do you want something to eat?"

I smile, this boy does not stop eating my lord, like it was like 10:30 when we got home and now it's 1:30 and he's still eating. Aha that's actually the cutest thing ever.

"Uh, N-no I'm okay thank y-you." Great Jack you start thinking about the guy and all of a sudden you develop a stuttering problem.

I heard him hop downstairs and open the fridge and I smiled as I laid down on his bed. Yeah I know I should be doing the project but I don't want to so fuck off. I lounge on his bed as if it were my own until I hear a dinging noise. I saw that it was his phone. I know I shouldn't snoop but maybe it will show up on the front screen... I know I'm nosy.

I frowned when I read what it said;

"Hey fucking loser do us all a favour and just end it all. I feel bad for anyone in your classes that sit next to you. If you sit next to a boy try not to rub your gayness off on them. Fag."

Just as I finished reading that one another from a different number comes in;

"You are so fucking ugly, like I don't know why anyone would want to be your friend. Thank you for not trying to be mine so I don't have to pretend to like you because that's all anyone would do."

Oh my god. I need to put a stop to this. holy shit I sound like a super hero...

I sighed I laid on his bed taking in his scent. He's so closed off from the world I guess because he is scared of being hurt. (Literally me.)

My eyes start to close and before I know it I have fallen asleep.

Jj Pov

I walk into my room to see that Jack has fallen asleep...was I gone for that long? Yeah of course you were Jack because you are a fatass that doesn't know when to stop eating.

I sigh and walk into my connecting bathroom to begin looking at myself. I lift my big sweater and tears start pouring out of my eyes. Before I can stop myself I sob loudly. Why am I so fucking fat?! Like Jesus Christ. I completely forgot about my surroundings as I try to find my only friend. His name is Mr. Sharp because well you know what I mean.

Let's just say that I start letting Mr. Sharp 'kiss' my wrists multiple times... Maybe like 6 or 7 times on each wrist. I continue to violently sob as I wash my blood and tear stained wrists...

Once I finally stop crying and clean up everything, I lay down in bed. I turn off the light and snuggle into what I think is a pillow. I don't know I can't really see well because the fucking light is off. Whatever I don't give a flying fuck, it's warm and oddly comforting. Plus it smells really good, like Jack it must have been the pillow he was laying on.

Jg Pov

Next morning.

I woke up and felt someone clutching me. I opened my eyes to see a peaceful boy laying next to me. Late last night in my sleep I could have sworn I heard someone crying.  I guess it was in my dream...

I smile as I look down and stare at him. He looks so perfect just laying there sleeping. I wonder what he's dreaming about...

"G-good morning." He says sleepily while reaching over grabbing his glasses. I smile and kiss his cheek gently. WHY THE FUCK DID I DO THAT?! OKAY CALM DOWN JACK, YOURE JUST USED TO THAT BECAUSE OF ALL THE BITCHES YOU WAKE UP WITH.. STOP ACTING GAY YOU WERE JUST CONFUSED. right?

"Uhmm.. I'm sorry I didn't mean too..." Is all I could say. He was blushing until I said that for a second I think he flashed a frown at me but then it goes back to his neutral face.

"It's okay. You're probably just used to doing that with all the girls you wake up next too..."

He seems upset...

We both get out of bed and I head for his door.

"I should probably get going... I mean like I never told my mom I was staying over so.." I said as I rushed out the door.. I didn't even say goodbye and I feel like an asshole.

Jj Pov

I sigh and walk into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and look at myself in the mirror.. I sigh again and I quickly find Mr. Sharp.

"Long time no see, I mean we saw each other last night but still." With that I decided that Mr. Sharp doesn't need to see my disgusting wrists, he should see my fat thighs and ugly stomach.

Why can't I be skinnier...


I've decided for anyone that things like this can trigger will be written in a way that wont be as hard for you to read. I know sometimes things can be triggering and if anyone wants to talk about anything at all I will be here to listen. I will help you and hopefully make you slightly smile or at least cringe at crappy jokes I can make. aha I love you all <3 <3

Oh and there @that_rand0m_chick I updated >-< Aha

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